自主學習學分課程認證-產業實習 Self-Learning Credit: Internship

Regulation regards Self-Learning Credit: Internship

106.11.30 106學年度第1學期教務會議通過

I. 目標Objective:提升學生實習機會,嘗試可能職業領域,以獲得職場經驗,培養敬業精神、責任感、解決問題與人際溝通能力。This course allows you to explore possible career aspirations and to apply learned academic knowledge to real job settings. You will gain invaluable work experience and skills, including (but not limited to) work ethic, sense of responsibility, problem-solving, interpersonal and communicative skills, etc.

II. 定義Definition:實習應包括監督及充足的訓練。Internship should include supervision and substantial training.

III. 學分數Credits:2

IV. 認證申請資料Application materials:

  1. 實習認證申請書:開學兩周內需繳交,以便系辦與實習單位確認。
    Application form; deadline of submission: 2 weeks after the school’s opening.
  2. 實習時數:至少72小時;
    Internship hours: at least 72 hours in a period.
  3. 實習工作日誌: 3篇
    3 Reflection Journals: at least 300 words each journal.
  4. 實習成果報告:書面報告及期末成果口頭發表
    - 書面報告:至少500字,期末成果口頭發表的ppt檔,須包含工作執掌說明、所運用之系專業知識及技能,以及工作所面臨之挑戰和困難。
    - 期末成果口頭發表:於學生學習成果發表會發表,15~20分鐘
    Final report: one written report (500 words at least) and oral presentation in the learning outcome demonstration.
    Final report will be in the form of a printed ppt file: should include job description, what department professional knowledge and skills you applied and learned, major challenges and difficulties you faced. The presentation should be 15~20 minutes.
  5. 雇主評量
    Employer’s evaluation

V. 申請及認證程序Procedure:

  1. 學生須於開學二周內將實習申請書送交系辦。Student should submit the application form to department office within 2 weeks after school’s opening.
  2. 系辦彙整資料後,將依此安排實習成果報告及通知實習導師。Department office should keep record in order to arrange final presentation and inform advisor.
  3. 系辦將寄送正式信函通知實習單位,並告知將於期末收集學生之雇主評量。Department office will send a formal letter to employer about the final evaluation.
  4. 認證資料將包含3篇實習心得、期末報告(期末口頭報告之簡報檔)及雇主評量。認證資料須於截止日前(第一學期:12月1日、第二學期:5月1日,遇假日則順延至下一個工作天)。The portfolio should include 3 journals, the final report (as printed ppt file) and employer’s evaluation. The portfolio should be submitted to department office before the deadline (December 1 and May 1, or if a holiday, then the next business day).
  5. 系辦將於12月中旬或5月中旬辦理實習成果發表會。Department office will organize the presentation around mid-December and mid-May.
  6. 學生應於成果發表會後下一個周一繳交最後修改後之口頭報告簡報檔電子檔。Students should submit the revised ppt file before the following Monday after the oral presentation.
  7. 自主學習認證小組或導師應於12月底或5月底前將審查結果送交教務處註冊組登錄。Committee or advisor should submit the final result (pass or fail) to Academic Office before the end of December and May.

VI. 設立導師一名,視需要協助學生處理相關問題。
One faculty advisor will cooperate with the department office to help students solve any problems, if necessary.