








華潼學姊此次輔大之行不但是感恩之旅,也是為了完成先生的遺願,捐助獎學金照顧學子、傳遞『愛』的正能量。因此,當劉院長向學姊提出英國語文學系華潼永續基金計畫(Lucia and Gregory Leong Foundation for English Talents)──目的在於補助資優且經濟弱勢(含清寒)學生,使學生可以專心就學、出國交換或進修本系碩士班,讓輔大英文系得英才而教育之,華潼學姊欣然答應,同意每年以美金一萬元支持三位英文系學生獎學金。回美後她除了立即捐贈2023及2024年英文系獎學金共美金兩萬元外,另外,為感懷師恩,特別捐贈【座擁中美堂座椅留名計畫】指定輔仁百年菁英百人留才計畫美金2,000元,以感謝于斌樞機主教及英文系恩師對學姊的照顧及指導。







In Loving Memory of Joshua Liu

Want to leave a message? Please email to D20@mail.fju.edu.tw. We will post it on the memory page. Thank you very much.

【感念英千里老師】李安筠系友 (第一屆 1963-1967)

作者:李安筠 輔大英文系第一屆系友(1963~1967)



系友何柏蒼『 咆哮・Roar 』時人影像展

系友何柏蒼發起之『 咆哮・Roar 』時人影像展,歡迎大家十月份去參觀!

『 咆哮・Roar 』時人影像展

時間/2019年10月01日(二) – 10月31日(四)
11:00 - 18:00,每週一休館
地點/URS 127 台北市大同區迪化街一段127號

計劃發起/何柏蒼 (PT)
彩妝師&牙撐器設計/何柏蒼 (PT)



李政政系友所製作之《翻越之後》(AFTER Crossing)第一集曾獲2017新北市紀錄片獎優選作品,《翻越之後二部曲:對話》獲2018新北市紀錄片獎,現在將完成《翻越之後》長篇紀實電影,讓我們大家一起期待作品完成!

翻越之後 After Crossing 粉專:https://www.facebook.com/aftercrossing2018/



Residential units Launched on 1/5/2017 Eastern Time of USA
Launched on 1/5/2017
First open house on 1/8/2017
Already three people are negotiating. 










黃怡婷 Tiffany Huang​ (45屆系友)投身偏鄉教育的熱忱令人感動!還記得他在學校念書時就積極投入偏鄉輔導,現在她要去馬祖了,希望他未來四年一切順利,也替馬祖的孩子開心,有這麼一位熱忱的老師將會陪伴他們。

賀喜! 蔡依林學姊獲選輔大傑出校友

Message from Jolin Jolin 感謝辭

Words from Joseph Chang 張竟勇學長的話(1972)

Dear Friends,

Let me go back to the year 1968 when I was a freshman in the English Department at Fu Jen University.  Life was not as comfy as  I hoped it would be.  After all, after hunkering down for one long year to prepare for the College Entrance Exam, doing nothing except eating, sleeping and studying, I thought I deserved to have a long-overdue break from a humdrum life style to start a new one that was much more to my liking.  

Reality settled in.  Life was actually much harder than what it had been before the entrance exam.  I struggled with English.  I had an excruciatingly difficult time catching up with the rest of the class.  You see, I was a bad student in high school.  I am not saying I was a rule breaker or had lots of run-ins with the police, but I just did not put in as much effort as I should have towards my studies.  In fact, I gave up on studying English and math.  The reason I could get into  Fu Jen was that I scored exceptionally well on the other four subjects (in my days, there were six subjects in the entrance exam).

Ergo, when I entered Fu Jen, I had a nightmarish life.  I remember vividly how embarrassed I had felt when I was in the first English conversation class.  All my classmates had their English name ready and when the instructor asked me what my name was, I was totally clueless.  Actually, I did not even comprehend what the instructor was saying to me.  I guess the instructor finally realized I did not have an English name.  So, she, out of the blue, asked me if I would mind being called "Joe"?  At that moment, to me any name was far better than no name, so I nodded, and the instructor said, "OK, I will just call you 'Joe'."  And that is the background knowledge of how my name Joe was originated.  Later I made it sound more formal when I started teaching in the US by changing it to "Joseph."

Did I feel frustrated because I was always at the bottom of the whole class?  Of course, I did.  But did I ever lose heart
because the task in front of me was so daunting?  I don't think so.  I kept telling myself that I made a mistake of not paying more attention to English while I was in high school, but that did not mean I was bound to be a loser.  I set a goal for myself: I would improve my English by at least one word a day.  I thought since I was at the bottom of a dark abyss, the only direction I had was up; I could not go any lower further.

I hung in there.  I plodded steadfastly, laboriously, and painstakingly.  Yes, my English had been improved but there was still quite a bit left to be desired.

In 1977, five years after graduation from Fu Jen, I came to the US to get my master's degree in TESL (Teaching English as  a Second Language).  I finished my degree in less than two years and since1979 I have been teaching English at a public high school in the state of Oregon.

The purpose of sharing with you my abridged curriculum vitae is straightforward:  Set a goal for yourself and strive with all your heart and mind to fulfill it!

I went back to Taiwan this past summer after 28 years of my last visit in 1983.  Needless to say, I could not recognize the country.  There had been numerous changes that were both jaw-dropping and eye-popping.  Taiwan as a whole had become a much civilized and livable place.  But there were some problems that need to be addressed with a sense of urgency.  For example, I could not believe that some high school graduates could enter college scoring only "18" points on their combined test score.  I am sure no student could have entered Fu Jen with only 18 points.  Nevertheless, the low score reflects the fact that today's students are not working as hard as the students in the past.

My concern is: How could these college graduates ever enter the job market where the employers demand the applicants with not only sound academic training but also years of experience?

When a college graduate asks for a well-paying job, wouldn't it be fair for him to ask himself what special qualities and skills he has that other job seekers don't have?

I would advise you to be be humble but confident when you apply for a job. Also, be prepared when you are still in school, be persistent with what you want to achieve in your life, and be a dreamer because you don't know your true potential until you set in motion the process of fulfilling your dream. 

You can use me as a role model: Someone who had such a hard time in school, but he was the only one in his whole class to end up teaching English in the United States of America.  So, you can do it, too if you believe in yourself and just hang in there and never give up!

I wish you the best.

With kindest regards,
Joseph Chang
Class of 1972


三缺一劇團【男孩The Little Child】,

歡迎大家來看 垃圾男孩最環保的冒險

11/12~12/12/2010 曾美禎個展《手與腳的負面肖像畫》

 曾美禎個展《手與腳的負面肖像畫》 Negative Portraits of Hands and Feet


蓽蘿藝術活動中心 ArtPillar 台北市民族西路33號 (圓山捷運站一號出口)33 Minzu W. Rd. Taipei 103 Taiwan


                          2010.10.15 賴聲川 (1976畢業)

Let's Remember Irene Lin with Love

Want to leave a message?  Clikc here.  Note that this message board is open only till the end of Oct.  For password, please checn with any English department teachers.


Words from Jolin 系友蔡依林給學弟妹的話

To my dear school sisters and brothers:
Never stop learning n exploring yourself.  The road of finding oneself is never easy but it's definitely worth trying!
Everyone is as unique as they can be! If u think u can u can!


Dear all,
2010 / 10 / 29-30  (五-六) 19:30
2010 / 10 / 31    (日)   12:30





. 兩廳院之友9 折、學生票 8折



編  導 魏雋展 、賀湘儀 、洪譜棋 、杜逸帆 、周佳吟 、 江寶琳 、楊雯涵 、李玉嵐
演  員 杜逸帆 、周佳吟 、江寶琳 、楊雯涵 、李玉嵐
製 作 人   鄭成功
舞台監督 張以沁
燈光設計 劉柏欣
舞台設計 廖音喬 、陳幼新
音樂設計 王榆鈞
服裝設計 丁小雨 、黃雪莉

視覺設計    丸正
導演助理 賀湘儀
排演助理 洪譜棋


Our Talk with Alumni (3): Clark Kuo (郭忠達)

郭忠達  Clark Kuo
學歷:英國華威大學英語碩士 (MA in English Language Studies and 
Methods, The  University of Warwick, UK)
現職: Project Manager,  The Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA 中華民國對外貿易發展協會 專員).

Interviewers: Ann Chang and Andy Lee
Purpose: We interviewed the alumni who work in the fields related to International Trade and Finance to find out
if they think that the training they received here in FJU English department is helpful for their career, and
2) what else they think we need to learn in order to be competitive.

Clark kindly shared with us his experience of landing on his first job and working for the TAITRA. He also provided us some very useful tips about how we can better prepare ourselves for future career and some ways of entering the TAITRA, if we’re interested in the field of foreign trade. We met at the McDonald’s inside of the Taipei 101 and we were grateful that Clark was willing to spare more than 1 hour to chat with us and patiently answered the questions we had in mind.
Clark Kuo: Educational Background and Work Experience
        After Clark Kuo graduated from the English Department of Fu Jen Catholic University, he went to England to attend an MA program in English Language Studies and Methods.  Having received his master degree in England, he came back to Taiwan and started to look for his first job. His first job ended up in an educational training center, where he was able to put into practice what he had learnt in England. Soon after working some time at the educational training center, he took another job as an assistant of legislator Chen, who is dedicated in promoting his education reform ideals. Afterwards, he decided to try something different. In college, he used to take some courses related to foreign trade and business, and now with his solid training in English from the English Department of Fu Jen and his experience of studying in England. He decided to enter the TAITRA. Therefore, he enrolled the TAITRA training session. He finished the training session in six months and received an opportunity to work for the TAITRA.
I.                   Preparation: Clark’s Suggestions for ENG Students
1.      Learn what we are taught here
        Clark believes that the English Department of Fu Jen offers not only solid English training, but also the skills needed at work. Therefore, the first suggestion he gave us is to make sure that we do acquire the knowledge teachers try to give us.
2.      Develop communication Skills
Secondly, for the people who are interested in the field of business and international trade, the ability to communicate and negotiate is extremely important, because they are the means to get your job done.
3.      Develop business-related skills and knowledge
Thirdly, as English majors, we lack the knowledge or skills needed in the business fields. Although English language can be our strength, we also need to discover what we’re interested in and good at in the business-related fields, and develop our skills in using computer or doing graphic design. Clark encouraged us to attend various lectures and acquire some certificates while we are in college. To get a job similar to his, we now can take the courses offered by International Trade and finance department or some other reputable institutes. Computer skills such as Excel, Word, and PowerPoint are also important. Since we are English majors, it is essential for us to get the English proficiency test certificates to prove our English ability.  
II.                The Right Attitude to Start Our Career
        At the end of the interview, Clark shared with us what he believes to be the right attitude we should have as we start our own career. He is deeply convinced that we should be ambitious, passionate, and confident in our own potentials. It is also crucial that we understand the importance of teamwork in our career.

Our Talk with Alumni (2): Grace Hsu (徐梨萍)

Q&A for Interview on June 9, 2010
    中文: 徐梨萍
    英文:  Li-Ping Hsu  (Grace Hsu)
2. 畢業時間: Year 1996
3. 目前任職的公司:   六霖企業有限公司 Lorion Enterprises Inc.
4. 職稱: English Secretary & Operations Director
5. 在該公司工作已服務 ( 14 )
Interviewers: Ann Chang and Kenton Chan
Purpose: We interviewed the alumni who work in the fields related to International Trade and Finance to find out
if they think that the training they received here in FJU English department is helpful for their career, and
2) what else they think we need to learn in order to be competitive.
Grace was so nice and considerate!  She not only took us to a quiet place for the talk, but also prepared her answers in writing!  Here below are her answers, as well as two video clips of our interview.
Your experience
1. Why do you pursue your career in this field (Business or trade related jobs)? What are the factors you consider in choosing this career?
2. Where did you start your career, a small company or a big one? Why did you choose to work at a small/big company as your first business related job?
3. Besides the English department training, what other trainings or graduate studies did you get in order to enter the present company or be in the present position?
4. Does the training that you received in the English department help in your current (trade or business related) work?  Or how is the former related to the latter?
About English majors
5.      What possible jobs in your company can an English major apply for? How do we distinguish ourselves?
6. What kind of courses, license, or professional skills you would suggest that we take or cultivate in college years if we want to have the similar jobs that you have? Do you suggest us that we should try to have more extracurricular activities?
1. 多益、英文秘書、管理人員、國貿、報關班的訓臉。
2. 閱讀國際貿易書籍,國貿大辭典,財務基本原理,地理概念:世界地圖、美國地圖、中國大陸地圖
3. Powerpoint, Photoimpact, Photoshop, AI (製圖能力), IE
7. What kind of attitudes does a person need to have when it comes to doing job hunting?
1. 態度要謙遜,把自己的心態調整如海綿一樣,從零開始學習。肯問肯學肯記,勤做筆記,不懂的部分要從頭到尾一次弄清楚,反應要靈敏,同樣的錯誤不能犯兩次!碰到問題自己一定要找出答案,而不是坐著等人給你指導,沒有人有義務幫你解決事情 
2. 進入職場要去掉自己XX大學英文系的學生心態,放低姿態,即使犯錯被指正也因虛心求教,勿惱羞成怒。
3. 新人切忌懶惰、被動、劃地自限、自以為是、不懂裝懂、遲到早退、混日子。
4. 要有職業道德,保守工作崗位的機密。
5. 對於自己想進入的產業要有基本認知,如果要當業務人員,那更要對市場有基本認識 (MARKETING)穩定性極為重要,除公司本身問題,要求自己起碼做一年,磨出韌性,學到所有的東西再離開。
6. 公司不是學校,必須有隨時自我進修的準備,在職進修與在職學習非常重要,不會的事情要主動請教盡快補足,不要等著別人來教你。
7. 不要覺得做小事很煩覺得自己大材小用,要反向思考,如果連小事都做不好,自己能做什麼?每個人的工作都有瑣碎、卻很重要的部分要完成,不能因為瑣碎就擱置不理。
8. 不管平常是什麼樣的人,上班就要有上班的樣子,公司不是交朋友的地方,雖然人際關係的確重要,但是不要亂拍馬屁,必須拿捏分寸。
8. Since it’s really not easy for college graduate students to get a job, can you tell us other access to information about job openings in your company or the other business related companies besides 104 or 1111 human resources?
1. 人力銀行的曝光效果取決於自身的條件,必須增加自己的學歷、打工經驗,社團經驗也可以,想辦 法讓自己脫穎而出,絕對不要遺漏中英文自傳及適當的個人照片,一手好字跡有時也能讓自己獨樹一格,切勿在面試時說打算來公司學習,公司付出成本雇用員工便是要員工貢獻所長,想想自己能為企業作些什麼而不是要企業教你什麼。
2. 企業需要的是具備獨立工作能力的人才>值得培訓的人才>乖巧、穩定度高的人才
9. Can you share with us your work experience such as the difficulties or achievement that you had encountered? With this in mind, what would be your suggestions for us?

Our Talk with Alumni (1): Joyce Tai (臺美光)

學歷:M.A. Department of Advertising, National Cheng Chi University

現職:Senior Director of APAC (亞太區資深總監), Digital River 美商亞太數位潮流科技有限公司台灣分公司

Interviewers: Ann Chang and Andy Lee
Purpose: We interviewed the alumni who work in the fields related to International Trade and Finance to find out
if they think that the training they received here in FJU English department is helpful for their career, and
2) what else they think we need to learn in order to be competitive.

With a sweet smile on her face, Joyce stepped in a classroom in CFL building and started to share her experiences with us.

Q 1: How did you land on your first job?
Ans: (Please check with Kate)

Q 2: How do we prepare for job application?
Ans: (Please check with Kate)

Words from the Graduates of 93-95



老師們還是要對學生要求高一點, 降英文系出來的學生品質才能保持~


大學四年很快就過去了,一定要提早為自己未來做打算,才不會浪費許多不必要的時間和精力把握時間, 充實自己

現在要認真唸書~~學到的東西對以後 尤其是唸研究所超有幫助喔!!


Enjoy ur time!






2008/7/15 系友魏亦淳邀請大家觀賞三缺一劇團演出!


我是Sherri, 想請大家去看戲,看九月三缺一的新戲"大家來寫訃文"。我想了很久,要怎麼解釋請大家去看戲的原因呢?不單單只因為這次碰到藝穗節,原本就算是小眾的小劇場,票更加被分散了;更重要的是,我想你們會喜歡這齣戲。








或是男主角 魏雋展  88屆的 Derrick(derrick523@yahoo.com.tw)

2008 / 09 / 04-05-06 11-12-13(四-五-六) 19:30
2008 / 09 / 06-07   13-14(六-日)    14:30
