※ 甄審方式 Admission Evaluation
Application Procedure:
Online Application: http://idsasys.oie.fju.edu.tw/
Application materials required:
- 申請文件:請參閱招生簡章或外國學生入學網頁-申請文件
Materials required by the University: Please refer to the Admission Brochure or the Office of International Education: Required Documents.
- 系所指定應繳文件 Additional documents required:
- 英文申請信:以英文正楷書寫或打字,陳述於大學求學之目標與價值,說明學習英語與英美文學之目標與價值,解釋選擇申請本系之特定理由,列出你感興趣之相關科目,敘述你的未來計畫;如對本系有任何疑問,歡迎一併提出。最重要的是你(申請人)親自撰寫。
A letter of application typed in English: You, the applicant, should type a letter in English (or write in English block letters) explaining the importance, for you, of pursuing a college education with a major in English Language and Literature. Include your goals, reasons for applying to us, courses of interest, and future plans. If you have any questions, you are welcome to raise them in your letter. The most important thing is that you, the applicant, write the letter by yourself.
- 以英文呈現之先前就讀學校的歷年成績單
English transcripts from secondary schools.
- 相當於歐洲共同語文參考架構(CEFR)B1(含)以上等級之英文能力證明
Certificate of English Proficiency equivalent to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) level B1 or above.
- 中文能力證明(非必備)
Chinese proficiency certificate or statement (optional).
甄審方式Admission Evaluation: |
審查分為兩階段Two-stage evaluation:
- 資料審查 Material review
- 英文筆試及/或口試(到校、電話或視訊)Written exam and/or oral interview in English (at the discretion of the exam committee; in person or via telephone or video conference)
Applicants entering the 2nd stage will be notified by the department office about the schedule of English written exam and/or oral interview. The applicant must provide a daytime phone number (Taiwan time) and an email address. |
備註 Remarks: |
- 本系所有課程以英文授課,大部分教材為英文(翻譯課程會有中文教材),所有教師具備英文溝通能力。
All courses are taught in English. Most textbooks are in English (teaching materials for translation courses will include materials in Chinese.). All instructors communicate well in English.
- 本校華語文中心提供付費華語課程,國際學生中心提供每週 6 小時免費夜間華語課程,另安排國際學位生華語學伴,均能提升華語識讀能力。
FJCU Center of Chinese Language and Culture offers fee-paying Mandarin learning courses. The International Student Center offers 6-hour free evening Mandarin courses per week. International students will be assigned buddies to help them boost their Mandarin proficiency.
- 大學部教學特色:全英語教學;課程設計精良;三大類進階課程範疇,選修彈性大;社會服務與跨文化溝通。
Special Features of the BA Program: All-English instruction and well-coordinated language training; Well-designed courses with diverse teaching methods; Three course groups – literature and culture, language studies, professional training – to ensure both solid training in liberal arts and multiple options in career development; Courses, learning activities, and exchange programs sufficient to enhance students’ social awareness, critical thinking, and global perspectives.
For your reference: |
法規 Regulations regarding Admission |
※ 獎學金:請參閱 外國學生入學網站-獎學金 Scholarship: Please refer to the Office of International Education: Scholarship.
※ 費用:請參閱 外國學生入學網站-費用 Fee: Please refer to the Office of International Education: Fee.