The Precarious Position of Women in Daniel Defoe's Moll Flanders and Roxana 丹尼爾‧狄福《茉兒‧佛蘭德思》與《蘿克珊娜》中女性角色所面臨的危機
Seclusion and Reunion: Experiences of Death in Emily Dickinson's Poetry 隔絕與團聚:艾蜜莉狄金生詩作中的死亡經驗
Feminine Accomplishment in Jane Austen's Major Fiction 珍‧奧斯汀小說中之女性才華之探討
The Problem of Evil in Some of Joseph Conrad's Fiction 康拉德小說中善惡問題之探討
The Way to Freedom: Individuation and Wholeness in H.D.'s Helen in Egypt 解放之路:H.D. 《海倫在埃及》詩作中的個體化與人神合一
Female "Intimacy": Sororal Relationships and Feminine Friendship in Jane Austen's Major Fiction 女性之「親」:珍‧奧斯汀小說中之姊妹關係與女性友誼
"Sign Language of a Lost Otherworld": Sylvia Plath's Ekphrastic Creation in Ten Poems on Visual Art 「超越俗世的祕密語言」:席薇亞‧普拉絲十首視覺藝術詩的讀畫式重現
"Your Mother Is in Your Bones!": The Mother-Daughter Relations in Amy Tan's The Joy Luck Club 「母女連心」:譚恩美《喜福會》一書中母女關係的探討
The Taming of Shrews: Language and Subersive Women in the Corpus Christi Cycles 馴悍記:始末劇組中的語言與女性顛覆
A Lesson of Survival in Daniel Defo's Moll Flanders 論狄福之《摩兒‧佛蘭德思》中生存的教訓
The Symbolic Meanings of Light in Emily Dickinson's Poetry: Light as Aesthetic Mood and Perception 艾茉莉‧狄金生詩中光之象徵意義:光做為美學氣氛與觀視
E.M. Forster's Cultural Critique on Cultural Identity, Gender Issue, and Social Class Through Sisterly Relationship in Howards End 福斯特之文化批評:由姊妹關係論《豪華園》中的文化認同、性別與社會階級
Living in and Leaving the House, 124: Identity Reconstruction Through Community and "Rememory" in Morrison's Beloved 居家與離家:佟妮‧摩理森《摯愛》中的主體、族群與記憶
"Fear" in Robinson Crusoe 《魯賓遜漂流記》中「恐懼」之主題
Huck's Choices of Right and Wrong: A Study of Value Influence in Twain's Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 哈克的「對與錯」抉擇:《哈克歷險記》中價值影響力的探討