
John Basourakos received his Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Humanities Studies from Concordia University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Dr. Basourakos has taught graduate and undergraduate courses in theatre history, cultural studies, literary theory, and academic writing in several countries and in different cultural contexts. He has published several articles on contemporary women playwrights, like Caryl Churchill, Pam Gems, Nawal El Saadawi, and Emily Mann, with a focus on how each playwright undertakes a critique of patriarchal ideologies of domination and normalization through their plays, as well as how they each examine conventional discourses about gender and sexuality as sites of struggles. He is currently doing research on how contemporary American male playwrights, like August Wilson, Neil LaBute, Donald Margulies, and David Mamet, explore issues of a “troubled American manhood” in their plays, and thus persist to interrogate the concept of masculinity, and of “American masculinity,” in particular, as culturally constructed and reproduced.


加拿大康克迪亞大學  博士 加拿大麥吉爾大學  碩士 加拿大麥吉爾大學  學士


輔仁大學英國語文學系  助理教授 越南Hoa Sen 大學 Department of English 助理教授 越南Tan Tao 大學 School of Humanities and Languages 副教授 土耳其 Beykent 大學 Department of English Language and Literature 助理教授 靜宜大學 Department of English 助理教授 土耳其Fatih 大學 Department of English Language and Literature 助理教授 加拿大麥吉爾大學 Department of Values and Culture in Education 講師

