Regulation regards Autonomous Learning—Advanced Studies of English Literature, Culture and Teaching with MOOC
113.11.21 113學年度第1學期教務會議通過
I. 學分數Credits:3
II. 目標Objective:本課程旨在培養學生獨立閱讀與研究文學與文化之能力,以及自主學習的素養。This course aims to cultivate students' abilities in independent reading and research of literature and culture, as well as fostering skills in autonomous learning.
III. 學習時間:共需約72 (18*4)小時。Study Hours: Approximately 72 hours in total (18 hours per session for 4 sessions or 18 weeks for 4 hours).
IV. 學習內容:選擇修讀磨課師平台提供之文學、批判理論或文化課程。課程上課學習時數計72小時。Study Content: Choose to study literature, critical theory, or cultural courses offered on the MOOC platform. The total class study hours are 72 hours.
─ 聽課與閱讀 Attending lectures and readings
─ 寫課堂考試(視課程要求)Taking in-class exams (depending on course requirements)
─ 每週讀書日誌,計10小時 Weekly reading logs, totaling 10 hours
─ 期末反思報告,計6小時Final reflective report, totaling 6 hours
─ 如課程授課時間少於30小時,則須繳交期末論文10頁二稿,計20小時。Final 10-page paper (second draft, for courses under 30 hours), totaling 20 hours.
MOOC平台涵蓋但不限於Coursera、Udemy、FutureLearn、Khan Academy、edX等。(不含備考、記憶性課程)。MOOC platforms include, but are not limited to, Coursera, Udemy, FutureLearn, Khan Academy, and edX. (Excluding courses primarily focused on test preparation or memorization.)
V. 認證申請資料Application materials:
1. 繳交期初自學規劃書,由系課程委員會核准。Submission of Initial Self-study Plan, approved by the Department Curriculum Committee.
2. 選擇自學課程(線上或實體)完成證明或所有考試截圖作為佐證資料。Completion proof of selected self-study courses (online or in-person) or screenshots of all exams.
3. 讀書日誌,記載閱讀內容、時數,並討論文學、文化知識及議題Reading logs documenting reading materials, hours spent, and discussions on literature, cultural knowledge, and issues.
4. 期末論文(非必要)Final paper (optional).
5. 期末學習反思報告。End-of-term learning reflection report.
6. 「專業課程認證小組」可根據學生的學習情形,針對提出的問題,要求學生進行口頭報告。The Department Curriculum Committee may require students to give an oral presentation if the committee has concerns about the content of the submitted documents.
VI. 認證程序Certification Procedure:
由「英文系課委會」、「數位學習委員會」或專業教師中3名組成「專業課程認證小組」進行認證審核。The Department Curriculum Committee, the Digital Learning Committee or a course certification community consisting of three teachers is responsible for conducting certification reviews.
為確保自主學習有效且信實,規範如下To ensure effective and credible autonomous learning, the following regulations are established:
1. 每學年第一學期於十月第一週、第二學期於三月第一週向英文系自主學習小組,提出書面申請修習此課程,建議學生組成自主學習社群。Each academic year, during the first week of October for the first semester and the first week of March for the second semester, students must submit a written application to the English Department Autonomous Learning Committee to enroll in this course. It is recommended that students form autonomous learning communities.
2. 學生必須於第一學期於12月第一週、第二學期於6月第一週向英文系「專業課程認證小組」申請,Students must apply to the English Department Professional Course Certification Committee by the first week of December for the first semester and the first week of June for the second semester.
3. 經確認成果無誤,學生可獲得三學分。Upon verification of the correct outcomes, students can earn three credits.
4. 本課程不得用於抵免系英文系必修課程。This autonomous learning course cannot be used to waive any required courses.