輔仁大學外語學院關鏞大使清寒獎學金,截止日期:113.10.15 中午前 Application of Ambassador Guan Yong Scholarship for Low Income Students, Deadline: noon, October 15, 2024




1.申請表 (http://www.cfl.fju.edu.tw/word/網頁-關鏞大使清寒獎學金申請表.doc  )



Ambassador Guan Yong Scholarship for Low Income Students

I. Purpose: To give back to society and Fu Jen University as well as encourage students of low-income backgrounds who display diligence in academic study, the Ambassador Guan Yong Scholarship for Low Income Students is thus established.

II. Eligibility:
1. Graduate or undergraduate students currently enrolled at the College of Foreign Languages
2. Must be from a low-income household

III. Scholarship Amount: NT$10,000 per student per academic year

IV. Required Documentation:
1. Application Form
2. Detailed self-introduction
3. Household Registration Transcript for all family members (Household Register not accepted)
4. Official documentation from the National Taxation Bureau of Taiwan detailing one complete year of individual income tax for all family members
5. One (1) letter of recommendation from an advisor or teacher
6. All the application materials should be submitted to LA106 College Office before noon, October 15, 2024.

V. Review Process: Review will place primary emphasis on family background, moral conduct, and academic performance, and will be conducted by the Management Meeting of the College of Foreign Languages.