
施佑芝Doris Shih 老師

Learning to Teach English with Multimedia: A Hybrid Course for English Teacher Preparation in the School of Continuing Education.

Proceedings of SITE 2014 - Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education conference

翁 晴,施佑芝 老師

Taiwanese College Students’ Intercultural Communication through Synchronous Text-based Chats and Videoconference

The 22nd International Symposium and Book Fair on English Teaching
翁 晴&施佑芝

施佑芝Doris Shih&袁韻璧Yun-Pi Yuan 老師



鄭任捷,曾明怡 老師

A case study of code-switching in computer-mediated- communication in Taiwan

2013 ETA conference

曾明怡Lydia Tseng 老師

Cognitive scaffolding and engagement in online writing tutoring via Facebook: Activity Theory and EFL students' learning of writing

2013 Symposium on Second Language Writing

曾明怡Lydia Tseng 老師

A case study of ‘Discourses of Learning to Write’ in Two EFL learning communities: Academic socialization and EFL writers identity construction

2013 ETRA Conference

曾明怡Lydia Tseng 老師

EFL students' development of critical thinking ability through participating in on-line argumentative Tasks: A Critical Discourse Analysis approach

Hwa Kang International Conference: Exploring Discourse

曾明怡Lydia Tseng 老師

A case study of EFL writing teachers' teaching and learning: Discursive identity construction and mediated learning

ACCL 2103

曾明怡Lydia Tseng 老師

Writing anxiety & EFL graduates' academic writing practices: A study on EFL graduate students' learning to write thesis proposals

013 International Conference and Workshop on TEFL & Applied Linguistics

葉麥克Michael Yeldham 老師

Using a communicative approach in English conversation classes in Asia: Addressing some of the challenges

The New English Teacher
Vol.7 No.2 August 2013

M. A. Yeldham,Using a communicative approach in English conversation classes in Asia: Addressing some of the challenges

葉麥克Michael Yeldham 老師

L2 listening instruction: Comparing and examining a strategies approach and a bottom-up skills approach

The European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL
Vol.2 No.1 August 2013

M. A. Yeldham,L2 listening instruction: Comparing and examining a strategies approach and a bottom-up skills approach

董多芳Donna Tong 老師

玩弄英文: 解讀李立揚的《玫瑰花》之「少數文學」

Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies

Vol.39 No.2 September 2013

第39卷 第二期 中華民國102年9月

董多芳,玩弄英文: 解讀李立揚的《玫瑰花》之「少數文學」

Donna T. Tong◇Troubling English: Li-Young Lee’s Rose as Minor Literature

袁韻璧Yun-Pi Yuan 老師



施佑芝Doris Shih&袁韻璧Yun-Pi Yuan 老師



劉紀雯Kate Liu 老師

An Outsider's Perspectives on Asian Canadian Studies: A Response to Donald Goellnicht

第39.2卷 中華民國102年9月
vol.39.2 September 2013