由教師對於文學融入英語教學之態度與看法探究文學作品應用於台灣的大學英語教育之現況與未來 (A study of the current and potential use of literature in University English courses in Taiwan through an investigation into teachers' attitudes and views about using literature in ELT)
探討台灣學生學習英文學術寫作中評價語言: 結合系統功能語言學之評
將全球教育融入大學英語課程: 在科技輔助文學圈模式下進行與全球議題相關之跨文化對話的實行與成效 (Integrating Global Education and University English Curriculum: A Study on the Practice and Outcomes of Promoting Cross-cultural Conversations on Global Issues in the Technology-enhanced LC Setting)