


1. 李貴英/歐洲聯盟之開放性戰略自主:朝向強化外人直接投資管制

2. 黃琛瑜/差異去統合與後脫歐時代北愛邊境問題之分析

3. 陳瑤華/「心中的一把火」:論民主轉型中的惡與不正義




EurAmerica, Vol. 53, No. 4 is now available

This issue has a total of three research articles. The authors and titles of these articles are as follows:

1. Catherine Li, "The European Union's Open Strategic Autonomy: Strengthening Inward Foreign Direct Investment Controls"

2. Chen-Yu Huang, "An Analysis of Differentiated Disintegration and the Irish Border Problem in the Post-Brexit Era" (in Chinese)

3. Jau-Hwa Chen, "'Anger Fires Up the Heart': On Evil and Injustice in the Transition to Democracy" (in Chinese)


To access the full articles, please visit the website of the Institute of European and American Studies: https://www.ea.sinica.edu.tw/allQuarterly_main.aspx?QSID&lang=e

Online Submission: https://www.ea.sinica.edu.tw/onlineSubmission.aspx