[多元學習管道 Multiple Learning Channel] 輔大英文系五年一貫

輔仁大學英文系學生修讀學、碩士學位五年一貫辦法 Regulations for English Department (FJU) Students’ Five-Year BA-MA Program 第一條 為鼓勵本系優秀同學繼續留在本系就讀碩士班,並期達到連續學習及縮短修業年限之目的,特訂定本辦法。 The Five-Year BA-MA program is instituted to encourage distinguished undergraduate students in the department to start to pursue graduate studies in the department earlier (in their BA years), which enables them to study continually for a shorter period of time to get both a BA and MA degrees in English Studies. 第二條 本系學士班學生入學後,各學期學業成績表現優良者,得於公告申請期限內向本系提出申請。每學年度之甄選簡章、甄選名額由本系訂定後公告實施;名額不超過推薦甄選名額。 Undergraduate students with distinguished academic performances each semester can apply to the department after an announcement is made. The number of students admitted will be determined and announced each year, and it should not exceed the quota given each year to the direct entry channel. 第三條 甄選方式如下:Screening Methods (一) 申請對象: 凡本系學士班三年級以上學生,且符合以下條件之一者,皆可申請。 一、學業成績總平均名次在該班前20%。 二、學業成績總平均名次在該班前30%,並提出曾入選國際或全國性賽事或曾擔任校內外社團社長、副社長、教學性質之服務學習或其他傑出表現之証明文件。 三、曾於修業期內有出國交換事實者,得視國外所修學科及修業成績與在原修業各年所修科目及修業成績個案認定。 I) Eligible students 1. Academic grade average in the top 20% of the class; 2. Academic grade average in the top 30% of the class, and presenting evidence of distinguished performances in international or national competition, as club leaders, in English teaching service learning, etc. 3.The students with experience of academic exchange will get both the scores he/she earned locally and abroad considered.
