學習規劃:碩士班 MA Study Plans

  • MA Study Plan (please go to e-office to fill it out online): doc (For your plan and record of course work and the other requirements)

1) 目的:規劃與記載研究生所修課程與其他學習活動。.與

  • Thesis Advising Checklist: doc
  • Thesis Advising Calendar: exl

This form is for thesis advisees to understand their advisors work style.  It is not a contract.  Advisors need to revise their own styles based on the needs of individual cases.) 

1)     目的:指導教授討論合作模式
2) 執行方法:提供參考,不強制執行,但學生必須於畢業前繳交論文指導紀錄。