113學年度第2學期英文系行事曆(學生版) Department Calendar (student version), Spring 2025


行事曆下載: (中文版)、 (English)


2/5-13 [選課]網路初選
2/12 學生繳交學雜費截止日
2/17 開始上課
2/17-24 [選課]網路加退選
2/21 [成績]學期成績更正截止日
2/24-3/4 [選課]錯誤更正
2/24-3/5 [選課]上網確認「當學期選課單」
2/25-27 [選課]日間部/進修部課程互選
3/12 第1次系務會議提案提交系主任截止
3/19 [會議]第1次系務會議 (12:10-14:30, LB501)
3/20 [會議]碩士班班代表座談會(上午) 
3/24-26 [招生]申請轉系(線上申請)
3/24-27 院七大跨域學程招生週
4/7-12 [考試]期中考
4/8-22 學生繳交學分費
4/17-24 申請學分學程(線上申請)
4/21-30 [預選]114學年度第1學期課程預選第一階段
4/22 [預選]班會暨課程說明會-大二、大三(12:30-13:30; FG507)
4/23 [會議]第2次系務會議提案提交系主任截止
4/24 [預選]班會暨課程說明會-大一(12:30-13:30; FG507)
4/30 [會議]第2次系務會議 (13:30-15:30; FG507)
5/1 [會議]大四班會暨畢業流程說明會-大四(12:30-13:30; FG507)
5/2 [學生]停修課程申請截止日
5/12-14 [招生]申請雙主修
5/12-21 [預選]114學年度第1學期課程預選第2階段
5/23 [學生]學生申請休學截止日
5/26-28 [招生]申請輔系(線上申請)
5/28 [活動]外語學院產業實習成果發表會、服務學習/數位學伴成果發表會
5/29 系所評鑑實地訪評
6/2-7 [考試]學期考試
6/7 畢業典禮
6/9-14 彈性多元學習週
6/12 [會議]校務會議
6/13 [活動]外語學院畢業聯展、第14屆學生論文/專題發表會
6/16-21 彈性多元學習週
6/21 校友返校日
7/1 [成績]學期學業成績繳交截止

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* For other important dates, please see the CFL calendar and University calendar.

Department Calendar (student version), Spring 2025

Calendar download: http://english.fju.edu.tw/word/DeptCalendarSpring2025_st1132_e.pdf

Important Dates:

2/5-13 [Registration] On-line course registration
2/12 Deadline for submitting tuition or other required fees
2/17 Classes begin
2/17-24 [Registration] Online add/drop period
2/21 [Grade] Deadline for grade correction from last semester
2/24-3/4 [Registration] Correcting course registration errors
2/24-3/5 [Registration] Confirming course registration
2/25-27 [Registration] Choosing modules from other departments
3/12 Deadline for submission to Chair of proposals for 1st Faculty Meeting
[Scholarship] Deadline for submission of Dept. Scholarship application materials
Meeting of BA Class Representatives (afternoon)
3/19 1st Faculty Meeting (13:30-15:30, LB501)
3/20 Meeting of class representatives (Graduate Students) (Morning)
3/24-26 [Admission]: Application for transfer within university (online)
3/24-27 CFLL Credit Programs Promotion Week
4/7-12 Midterm Exams
4/8-22 Submitting credit fees
4/17-24 Application for Academic Credit Programs (online)
4/21-30 [Pre-registration] Announcement of the courses for Fall 2025 and 1st-round: student registration for courses
4/22 [Pre-registration] Pre-registration Briefing and Class Meeting for Sophomores and Juniors (12:30~13:30; FG507)
4/23 Deadline for submission to Chair of proposals for 2nd Faculty Meeting
4/24 [Pre-registration] Pre-registration Briefing and Class Meeting for Freshmen (12:30~13:30; FG507)
4/30 2nd Faculty Meeting (13:0-15:30, FG507)
5/1 Class Meeting and Briefing on Graduation Process for Senior (12:30~13:30; FG507)
5/2 Deadline for class withdrawal application
5/12-14 [Admission]Application for double major
5/12-21 [Pre-registration] 2nd-round
5/23 Deadline for applying suspension
5/26-28 [Admission]Application for academic minors (online)
5/28 [Activity] CFLL Student Exhibit on Internship, CFLL Student Exhibit on Service Learning
5/29 Onsite Department Evaluation
6/2-7 [Exam] Final Exams
6/7 Commencement
6/9-14 Self-study week
6/12 University Council
6/13 CFLL Student Graduation Exhibition, CFLL Graduate Students Research Seminar
6/16-21 Self-study week
6/21 Alumni Homecoming
7/1 Deadline for submitting course grades