輔仁大學英文系學生修讀學、碩士學位五年一貫辦法 (113.05.20申請截止)

1. 甄選通過學生可提早於大四修讀碩士班課程,取得學士學位,參加本系碩士班甄試入學或考試入學,經錄取且完成註冊後,可抵免學分,縮短碩士修業年限。

2. 入學獎學金(完成註冊後申請)
(1) 「輔仁大學鼓勵學士班成績優異學生就讀碩士班獎學金」,最高可得10萬元。
(2) 「碩士班優異新生入學獎學金」,最高可免碩一全額學雜費。

3. 碩士班成績優異獎學金:每學期頒發。


                                   Regulations for English Department (FJU) Students’ Five-Year BA-MA Program

101.12.19 101學年度第1學期第2次系務會議通過
102.07.16 101學年度第2學期第2次臨時系務會議修訂通過
112.05.24 111學年度第2學期第2次系務會議修訂通過
113.04.10 112學年度第2學期院務會議通過備核

第一條 為鼓勵本系優秀同學繼續留在本系就讀碩士班,並期達到連續學習及縮短修業年限之目的,特訂定本辦法。
The Five-Year BA-MA program is instituted to encourage distinguished undergraduate students in the department to start to pursue graduate studies in the department earlier (in their BA years), which enables them to study continually for a shorter period of time to get both a BA and MA degrees in English Studies. 

第二條 本系學士班(含進修學士班)學生入學後,各學期學業成績表現優良者,得於公告申請期限內向本系提出申請。每學年度之甄選簡章、甄選名額由本系訂定後公告實施;名額不超過推薦甄選名額。
Undergraduate students (BA and CEBA) with distinguished academic performances each semester can apply to the department after an announcement is made. The number of students admitted will be determined and announced each year, and it should not exceed the quota given each year to the direct entry channel.

第三條 甄選方式如下:Screening Methods
(一) 申請對象:凡本系學士班(含進修學士班)三年級以上學生,皆可申請。
I) Eligible applicant: BA and CEBA Junior (and above) students.

(二) 申請文件:
1. 申請書
II) Application Documents
1. Application Form
2. Transcript (including ranking)
3. Autobiography
4. Study Plan
5. Other evidence (e.g. certificates, awards, TOEFL and TOEIC scores)

(三) 甄選項目及評分標準:Tests
1.資料審查 50% Material Review 50%
2.面試     50% Interview 50%

第四條 通過甄選之學生兼具學士學位候選人及碩士班預備研究生(以下簡稱預研生)之資格。   
Those who pass the screening test will hold dual status: as BA degree candidates and preparatory graduate student (here after prep student). 

第五條 國際文創與商務溝通組與多媒體英語教學組預研生之甄選事宜,分別由本系兩組專任教師中推舉三人組成甄選委員會進行之。召集人由委員互相推舉產生。
A screening committee, composed of three full-time teachers, is formed respectively for selecting prep students of Creative Culture and Business Communication track and of TESOL and Multimedia Instruction track. The convener is elected by three committee members.

第六條 建議預研生於大四選修學術寫作和/或研究方法等課程。預研生必須取得學士學位,並參加本系碩士班甄試入學或一般生入學考試,經錄取本系且取得碩士班入學資格。
Prep students are advised to take either Academic Writing or Research Methodology in their senior year. Prep students should get a BA degree and take graduate entrance exam (either direct entry or regular exam) to be admitted and qualified as graduate students.

第七條 根據本辦法入學者,其抵免須依據本校學生抵免科目規則辦理。(請見附件「輔仁大學學生抵免科目規則」。)
Formally admitted students are allowed to apply the credits from the graduate courses they took in the department undergraduate program towards completing the requirements for their graduate degree, following “Fu Jen University Course Waiver Regulations.” (See appendix I.)

第八條 經審查通過之學生須符合本系碩士學位之規定,方發給碩士學位證書。
Once admitted, students of each track need to fulfill the track’s graduation requirements to be awarded MA diploma.

第九條 本辦法經本系系務會議通過後實施,送院務會議核備,修正時亦同。
These regulations are passed in the department’s Faculty Meeting and then sent to the College council for approval for reference. Any revision will follow the same procedures.

附件一:輔仁大學學生抵免科目規則 (教務處)
Appendix I: Fu Jen University Course Waiver Regulations
