New Digital service of Office of Academic Affairs and the changes in the student grades procedures

1. Handled according to the resolution of the Academic Affairs Council, Spring 2024.
2. The New "Student Information Platform" is launched for promotion of the digital service. The function includes: "Digital Certificate of Study" and "Digital Transcript (single semester)." The function of grade inquiries is integrated into the system.
3. In line with the revision of the age of majority in the Civil Code and respecting the autonomy of adult students, starting from this semester, mailing the grades report to the parents and the parent grade inquiry system will be discontinued. If parents want to inquire their children's scores, they can do so in person after obtaining the student's consent form.
4. Regarding grade recording, starting from Spring 2024, courses taken by domestic and international exchange students at their host institutions will be recorded as "Pass" or "Fail" and will not be included in ranking. From the academic year 113 onwards, courses taken by our students at other institutions (inter-university course selection) and flexible courses taken by student-athletes will be recorded as "Pass" or "Fail" and will not be included in GPA calculations.
5. In response to sustainable development and to promote our school's digital services, applications and verification mechanisms for "Digital Certificate of Study" and "Digital Transcript (single semester)" will be free of charge during the promotion period. The Office of Academic Affairs’ automated service kiosks will continue to provide paper-based enrollment certificates and transcripts (with official certificate paper and stamps) for a fee, should students require them.
6. To access the student information platform, please log in with your LDAP account at the student information platform (

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