2013-04-29 Winners of Effective Learning and Creative Communication Awards
2013-01-10 Service Learning and Graduation Project Presentations (服務學習與畢業專題成果發表)
2013-01-03 Effective Learning and Creative Communication Awards
2013-01-03 Winners of the Student Work Exhibition
2013-01-02 職涯系列(14) : 企業雇主期待
2013-01-02 職涯系列(13) : 航運海運職涯與雇主期待
2012-12-28 演講系列(20):雜誌編輯要點分享
2012-12-28 演講系列(19):以口譯維生必須具備的條件
2012-12-28 演講系列(18):The Communication Skill for Fashion Professionals: from Visual to Text
2012-12-11 職涯系列(12): 編輯、翻譯、創作、公關

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