Submit your works to win!
1. Outstanding Learning Outcomes Award – 2 persons
--Works recommended by course teachers and demonstrating outstanding learning outcomes.
--Works recommended by course teachers and having participated in the department's "Student Work Exhibit 2012" and "Service Learning and Graduation Project Presentations, 2012F"
--Revision of the recommended works (to be ‘publishable,’ self-explanatory, without copyright concerns, etc.) will get a gift which is worth about NT. 200 dollars.
2 Creativity and Effective Communication Award –2 persons
Those “publishable works" recommended by teachers and/or exhibited at "Student Work Exhibit 2012" and then further revised.
The winner(s) of each award will receive NT.4,000 dollars and a commendation issued by the Department!!
Deadline of submission: 2013.03.15
Send Your Submission to
Ms Carol Liu