Winners of the Student Work Exhibition


The following two groups won the award by receiveing most post-it messages.

Title: Taiwan Trivia   
Group Members: Ruth Lin,  Lynn LIn,  Donna Du and  Duncan Cheng

Title: Hometown Showcase Trio
Group Members: Julia Chu,  Ariel Tzu and  Cynthia Hsu

Below, please see the words of encouragement from the exhibition visitors!!! :)


No. 1

Course: Chinese Cultures in Foreign Language: English

Author: Sophie Fan

Title: Bianqiao Snapshots

Great photos! I love them.


No. 2

Course: Chinese Cultures in Foreign Language: English

Authors: Julia Chu, Ariel Tzu, Cynthia Hsu

Title: Hometown Showcase Trio

1.          Your project is quite creative and the outcome is very impressive.

2.          You guys are so creative. Love your products. J 我也要folder啦!

3.          Let’s go to Ma Chia Cheng and ask for a red envelop from Pre. Ma. Good job!

4.          Nice work!


No. 3

Course: Chinese Cultures in Foreign Language: English

Authors: Ruth Lin, Lynn Lin, Donna Du, Duncan Cheng

Title: Taiwan Trivia

1.          Through the game, I know more about Taiwan cultures, religions, etc. It’s really an unforgettable experience! Thank you! J

2.          Beautiful!

3.          Friendly! J

4.          Nice! :P

5.          Thank you. :D

6.          You all did a good job on preparing this fabulous game. It is very interesting. I really have a fun time! J

7.          Thank you! Hey guys…. Let’s play a game.

8.          Dear Presenters, I really enjoy this afternoon traveling to all these places in Taiwan. J Now I do want to just pack & go traveling! Thank you for your hard work & creativity!

9.          Thanks for giving me Cinthia as my partner—a real Taiwan expert! (Fa Bau 12/25/12)

10.      Thank you for your wonderful game.

11.      你們會一百分。沒有一百分也有90分!

12.      Sometimes, you have hard work and the team spirits that make a wonderful presentation possible can never be graded. I really love it that you created this fun and challenging game for the participants to experience Taiwan. Thank you! (Beatrice)


No. 26

Course:  British Literature III: From Romantic Quest to Victorian Anti-Quest Kate Liu

Author:  Group 4

Title: Is Jane’s Quest a Successful One? Jane Eyre’s Quest from Multiple Perspectives: Bertha

1.          Some amazing! I can feel tense of the plot in the play from your presentation! J

2.          Very insightful! J

3.          Very perceptive observation!


No. 32

Course: InDesign Workshop

Author:  黃瓊緻 Christy Huang

Title:  澳門特輯

Very pretty & cute design! J


No. 34

Course: InDesign Workshop

Author:  林孟庭  Sandy Lin

Title:  我的履歷

1.          Cool. It’s my friend! I’ll support her. Go! Go! Go!

2.          非常認真的作品,想必這個作品的主人一定也有顆認真的心。期待妳在未來也能繼續保持。


No. 42

Course: English Composition III Group C: Kentei

Author: Helen Chueh, Cindy Chai, Vivien Liu, Melody

Title: Health Breakfast Healthier College Life

1.          Information research that teaches me how to have a healthier breakfast! J

2.          The content is described succinctly and clear.

3.       Now I really know how to eat right and take care of myself.


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