2012-05-25 演講系列(15): Aesthetic Perspectives: Designing Across Culture
2012-05-17 演講系列(14): 跨文化的再思索--從開發中國家談起
2012-05-07 Computer Wiz Workshop (3): Dreamweaver
2012-05-07 Computer Wiz Workshop (2): Video Editing
2012-05-04 演講系列(13): Fashion Week Street Fashion
2012-05-04 演講系列(11): The Aesthetics of Fashion Retail / Show Environment
2012-04-26 Computer Wiz Workshop (1): InDesign
2012-04-26 教案設計與學習單實做工作坊
2012-04-26 演講系列(10): The Communication Skill for Fashion Professionals: from Visual to Text
2012-04-26 大英百科全書-輔大英文系產學合作計畫(二)

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