來跟Tom跳舞:Mr. Nash退休舞會

DANCE! To celebrate the retirement of Tom Nash
April 25, 2009 (Saturday) 6:00- 11:00 pm
02-2560-3125, 2560-3222
(Very close to the MRT Chungshan Station中山站)
Beer and cold drinks provided
Please register with Nikie Hsieh at candyrex@hotmail.com before April 10 (so we can get an idea of how many people will come).
Bring your spouses, significant others and dance the night away! Dance with Tom!

有任何建議?要提供消息?有工作機會? 歡迎來信:D20@mail.fju.edu.tw
網頁維護:李玉鋆(Julie Lee)