2008年Annual Play
2008 Annual Play:http://www.wretch.cc/blog/annualplay08


感謝您多年來對系上活動的關懷與支持。您有形無形的鼓勵使英文系幾十年來的戲劇傳統得以代代相承、茁壯。2008英文系年度戲劇公演將於五月八、九日(週四、週五19:00進場; 19:30演出) 與 五月十日(週六 14:00進場; 14:30演出) 假舒德樓外語學院理圖劇場演出。我們誠摯邀請您撥冗觀賞。您的蒞臨將是英文系戲劇傳統繼續傳承、成長的一大助力。


2008年度公演指導老師:張瓈文 老師
學生導演: 梁芳瑀
舞台監督: 王裘琳、鄭久昀

Dear Professors and Alumni,

Thank you all for your consistent support over the past years, which makes the tradition of plays in the English department able to be passed down and growing stronger. 2008 Annual Play of English Department is going to be held on May 8, 9 (admission at 19:00; starts at 19:30) and 10 (admission at 14:00; starts at 14:30) in CFL Theater. We sincerely look forward to your presence which will definitely be a great support to this tradition of our department.

Sincerely yours,

2008 Annual Play Faculty Director: Prof. Doris Li-Wen Chang
Student Director: Kaylyn Liang
Stage Managers: Joe Wang & Joey Cheng

有任何建議?要提供消息?有工作機會? 歡迎來信:D20@mail.fju.edu.tw
網頁維護:李玉鋆(Julie Lee)