2014 系友回娘家,103年6月22日,歡迎大家參加!

2014 系友回娘家: Mix & Mingle
Time: 13:00~15:30, Sunday, June 22, 2014
Venue: LB301

去年非常開心有這麼多系友回輔大,與英文系歡度50歲生日! 又將迎接鳳凰花開,畢業各奔東西的季節,今年英文系系友會誠摯地邀請您於 6/22 Sun 回輔大,踏入外語學院小巴黎,回來大學上課的 LA & LB 長廊與老同學相約溫馨敘舊!

今年有精彩的表演活動及摸彩,摸彩大獎包括IPad Mini、印表機、原素食府餐卷、特製法式點心等等,歡迎大家踴躍參加。

請大家於6月15日前至https://www.facebook.com/events/233546306836018/ 報名!

We take great pleasure in inviting you to attend our alumni homecoming event to be held on June 22nd at LB301 and LA302 from 1:00 to 3:30 pm.

We hereby cordially invite you to attend this event. Please let us know if you can join us by June 15th. Please also remember to update your information via: http://alumni.fju.edu.tw.

FYI, we are including the links of our alumni newsletter, e-album and e-album films as a part of our promotion for the event. Please do come join us. Let's mix and mingle with faculty, alumni, and students and have great fun!

Sincerely yours,
Joyce Tai, President of Alumni Association
Belinda Ma, Vice President of Alumni Association

1. The Latest Newsletter on the department website.
2014.2.11 系友通訊第六期

2. Film - The 50 anniversary e-album with music (This can be automatically played.)

The following takes a few minutes to retrieve files.
3. The first class album- Please use arrow keys to turn the pages.
(Note: swf files can only be played using Microsoft operation system)

4. The 50th Anniversary E-Album- No page flipping function – Pdf version

5. Online Donation url: http://fros.fju.edu.tw/donate/

有任何建議?要提供消息?有工作機會? 歡迎來信:D20@mail.fju.edu.tw
網頁維護:李玉鋆(Julie Lee)