2013 輔大英文畢業公演Senior Play- Top Girls
2013 輔大英文畢業公演Senior Play- Top Girls:https://www.facebook.com/events/428301750575556/

2013 輔大英文畢業公演Senior Play- Top Girls
1/3(四) 18:00入場 18:30開演
1/4(五) 18:00入場 18:30開演
1/5(六) 13:30入場 14:00開演

今日 她們站在同一個舞台上 以各種姿態
是辛勤 是奮鬥 或是掙扎著
而在你所生活的21世紀 你所居住的社會
誰會是符合你心裡定義的Top Girl?

2013年年初 輔大英文系誠摯邀請您
走入劇場 脫離時間和空間束縛 

"Top Girls"
Here are a group of women living in the different times.
Now, with various identities, they stand on this same stage.
Struggling. Fighting. Surviving.
Devotedly they search after directions in life journey.
You, as an audience in the 21st century,
who fits the ideal image of “Top Girl” in your heart?

We are English Literature Department of FJU,
inviting you to enter the theatre in early 2013.
Set yourself free from the constraints of time and space.
Walk deep into the souls of those top girls.

有任何建議?要提供消息?有工作機會? 歡迎來信:D20@mail.fju.edu.tw
網頁維護:李玉鋆(Julie Lee)