課程名稱 逐步口譯入門:英譯中
課程介紹 上課實況 檔案下載 Q&A
討論主題 / 學習 Q&A
Q1: Are there any written exams?
A: No. This course focuses on the consecutive interpretation (CI) techniques and thus only oral examinations will be held to assess the students' interpretation ability.

Q2: Are there any group assignment/presentations?
A: Yes, the students are required to make group presentations after the mid-term examination. The presentations provide the students with opportunities to enhance their presentation performance, skills for data collection, and techniques for interpretation.

Q3: What practices can the students do to enhance their interpretation skills?
A: The students are strongly encouraged to form study groups to practice the taught skills. Materials for the self practices will be provided and uploaded to the course site on iCan. The students can also find materials to practice themselves.

Q4: Are both short CI and long CI to be taught in this course?
A: Yes. The course will focus on the skills in short CI (i.e. short-term memory) in the first few weeks, followed by the techniques for long CI (i.e. note-taking skills). The students are expected to master both types of skills.

Q5: Will an industry visit be organized?
A: No. But, a well-experienced interpreter/s will be invited to share his/her working experiences in class.
[發表人:101-1 課程學生  ]
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