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W.J.T. 米契爾
Mitchell, W.J.T.
Professor, University of Chicago 星球狂瘋:愚人船之全球化
Planetary Madness: The Ship of Fools Globalized
Photo by Domenico Aronica


W. J. T. Mitchell is Gaylord Donnelley Distinguished Service Professor of Literature, Art History, and Cinema at the University of Chicago and editor of Critical Inquiry, a leading journal devoted to critical theory in the arts and human sciences. Recently elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Dr. Mitchell is one of the most prominent literary critics in the United States. 
Dr. Mitchell is recognized internationally as one of the leading theorists of iconology (the study of images across media) and on relations between visual and verbal representations. His many books and articles focus on the history and theories of media, visual art, and literature, from the eighteenth century to the present. His work has gained increasing relevance and attention in a global context where the interchange of images, and advances in image science itself, have intensified what he terms (in Picture Theory) “ekphrastic hope” and "ekphrastic fear.” 

Dr. Mitchell's numerous pioneering works in image theory, spanning four decades, address the central themes of our conference on "intercultural Adaptation, Globalization, and Risk." These books include Iconology: Image, Text, Ideology (1986), Picture Theory (1994), What Do Pictures Want? Essays on the Lives and Loves of Images (2005), and Cloning Terror: The War of Images, 9/11 to the Present (2011). Through these and other studies, Dr. Mitchell has established himself as the preeminent commentator on the theory, practice, and risks of image production in a global world.


For more information, please view this page: https://lucian.uchicago.edu/blogs/wjtmitchell/

米契爾教授(Dr. W. J. T. Mitchell)
任教於美國芝加哥大學藝術史與英語文學系,擔任《批判性探討》(Critical Inquiry)期刊編輯,為該校之蓋洛德•唐納利傑出貢獻講座教授(the Gaylord Donnelley Distinguished Service Professor)。他不但是當代視覺文化研究的國際知名學者,而且於2017年晉身為美國院士級學者(受任命為美國文理科學院the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 院士)。
米契爾教授的著作等身,研究諸如藝術、語言(維根斯坦)、浪漫主義文學、歌曲、瘋狂、複製人與911襲擊事件的圖像;著述的理論也廣為文學、歷史、哲學、建築、都市研究、媒體與視覺藝術等領域之學者所引用。以米契爾教授的早期作品為例: Iconology: Image, Text, Ideology [1986] 在Google Book 搜尋到50本書引用, Picture Theory [1994] 則有40本書引用。此兩本書為跨藝術研究之經典之作,為研究視覺與文字意象的關係與比較研究提供了範例、重要概念(例如:意象轉向、後設圖等概念),也引發許多針對圖像(icon)、文字意象(image)、圖畫意象(pictorial image)、符號(sign)之重疊、衝突與異同的討論。
近十年來,米契爾教授也回應全球化社會中影像快速互換改寫、影像複製科技精進,以及新聞媒體大量複製與全球傳播圖像等等現象,討論這些「說圖」(ekphrastic)時刻所產生的「希望」(ekphrastic hope)與引發的「恐懼」 (ekphrastic fear)。這些作品──諸如:What Do Pictures Want? Essays on the Lives and Loves of Images (2005) 、Cloning Terror: The War of Images, 9/11 to the Present (2011) 和 , and Image Science: Iconology, Visual Culture, and Media Aesthetics (2015)──剖析圖像產生可能造成烏托邦假象,可能帶來越界焦慮,但都有風險。因此,米契爾教授四十年來的著作與本研討會的三大主題「跨文化改寫、全球化與風險」均息息相關。


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