Winners of Internship and Service Learning Learning Outcomes Presentation


Meaningful Teaching

Title: Hand-in-Hand with Guo-Tai Children
Presenters: Crystal 陳繶安, Irene 蘇莉婷, Cheri 黃怡嘉
Group members: Abby 葉芷涵, Sandy 劉瓅尹

Meaningful Learning Outcomes

Title: Learning through Teaching
Presenters: Sujay Pais 蘇松如, Crystal 陳繶安, Hana 謝子涵

Meaningful Communication and Teaching

Title: Lessons from Guo-Tai Hand-in-Hand Project
Presenters: Xray 都省瑞, Renee 邱禮瑄
Group members: Arica 周郅寧, Ted 張德泰, Elle 廖彥甄, Alice 許庭瑜

Meaningful Teaching, Learning, Service and Communication

Title: GuoTai Teach and Learning: Experience & Strategies
Presenter: Kris 賴得芸
Group members: Tina 張雅婷, Emile 林政憲, Jane 陳怡臻

Meaningful Service and Learning

Title: Online Study Pal: Teaching and Understanding Students Online
Presenters: Alan 卓維揚, Cara 黃逸婷

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