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單元內容 error analysis
Sophomore Conversation and Composition, Group B
Language Review--
Frequently Made Errors
Doris Li-wen Chang
Tense S-V, S-SC Agreement Parts of Speech
Logic & Clarity Dangling Sentences Incomplete Sentences
Wording & Expressions Suggested Vocabulary Sites
1. Two years ago, you have to pay NT $ 10,000 dollars just to get a phone number, to say nothing of a phone.
    Two years ago, you had to pay NT$ 10,000 dollars just to get a phone number, to say nothing of a phone.

2. The current rule was that there could be two imports on the court playing at the same time.
    The current rule is that there can be two imports on the court playing at the same time.

S-SC, S-V Agreement
1. We've all heard a cell phone rings and everyone reaches for their phones, thinking that the ring is theirs.
2. Japanese soap opera are mostly shorter (about 10-15 volumes for each opera) so the plots are tighter that the audience won't get tired of it.
3. All television programs are not bad, but it needs to be seriously examined.
4. On the other hand, if the differences of living style or habits is not a big deal, living together can prepare each other for the future life, even the marriage.
5. But before we buy the cell phones, we have to think clearly whether we need it or not.
6. Do we need instant access to my friends?
7. These commercial might reflect people's view about women's role in society.
8. The commercial try to convince people that to lose weight is effortless and even enjoyable.
9. However, the ideas that woman are valued by their appearances, which is rooted in our mind are now revealed in these commercials.
10. What happens if the friends that you get along is bad people?

Parts of Speech (WF)

1. Therefore, a lot of problem result from the montey sharing is on account of the vague line between the sharing.
2. It takes no hard work to success.
3. If you don't watched out, the same tragedy would happen again.
4. Teenagers who are brought up in a broken family tend to be mental unbalanced.
5. Interpersonal relationship with other people can influence our self-reliant and attitude towards life.
6. The person himself may know nothing of them, too.
7. This effect is generally ignore by us.

Incomplete Sentences

1. Another reason that must not be discounted when trying to explain the abundance of cell phones.
2. Not to mention Taiwan's crave to follow Japanese fashions and peer influence that are the ultimate causes of this phenomenon crush on Japanese opera.

Logic & Clarity

1. Besides, knowing each other more is another advantages of living together because since we love each other we will reveal the best part to each other.
2. Therefore, you must not know some curious habits that conceal from you, such as pick one’s nose when reading the newspaper, the light should be on when sleeping, and so on.
3. Styles, sizes and colors of cell phones have nothing to do with the quality of the phone, but they go a long way in satisfying the urge to be ourselves.

4. Furthermore, everyone can hear his or her conversations on the phone because they have to speak loud enough in order to make them clear.

5. Following the step of the NBA, the CBA 1998-1999 season has suspended.

6. However, CBA lockout is not stopped whereas the NBA playoffs are heatedly played.

7. This problem was the result of the incomplete rules of players changing.

8. In addition to TV revenue and sponsors’ financial support, the income of tickets holds only a small percentage of the income; however, the lack of audience who would like to go to the gyms to watch the games reveals player, team and marketing problems.

9. Money usually leads people to become more ambitious because they would desire for more and more money after their first income.

10. X and Y generations just love something new and exciting; Japanese fashion somehow fits this point.

Dangling sentences

1. Oftentimes, they would invite someone famous who has been customer of their institution now successfully lose weight under their help or instructions.
2. Why nor there are such institutions for men in the market?
3. We should try to explore what is the real cause of this evil act.
4. The wrong way of saving money led to the lack of professional sports marketing, with which the audience were not be persuaded to go to watch the games.
5. Youngsters fashion changes very fast in Japan, I believe fashion is created by people so those fashion creators always try their best to catch youngsters' attention.

Wording & Expressions

1. The might find schoolmates or friends who have similar ages with them.
2. What kinds of reasons will make you use your bodies to exchange money?
3. The reason of the establishing of the rule was that we lack young, good, local players.
4. When she is undergoing inspection by a hospital, she finds that she has got AIDS.
5. When you have no money, you do this behavior.
6. We can prevent our body from those health problems.
7. Let us be a vivid student in the hectic pace of life in the university.

Recommended Vocabulary Sites

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