教材名稱 / Composition
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Junior Composition Class
Research Paper Conference Requirements
  Rules and Regulations
  • presentation:
    • 15 minutes. Speaker is penalized if the presentation is too short or too long.
    • No reading of your paper or memorizing
    • Reading from your PowerPoint file is to be minimized.
  • discussion/questions:
    • 5-10 minutes
    • 0.5 point per question asked, at the teacher's discretion
  • Mandatory attendance all four days
What is a good research-paper presentation?
    • research-paper:
      • A thesis
      • Evidence
      • Support
    • presentation:
      • Fluidity in speech
      • An organized argument
      • A professional-looking presentation
  • An opportunity for you to show the results of the three years' training in the English Department in doing research, writing, speaking and public presentation.  In other words, it is a time for you to shine!
  • A chance for you to learn from students from the other Junior conversation-composition sections.
  • A chance for the Junior conversation-composition teachers to make sure that you have acquired the basic ablilities in writing and speaking in English.  You can fail this if you don't meet the basic requirements!
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