教材名稱 / Composition
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Cecilia H. C. Liu
Note: Check your paper carefully according to the following items.
     More than five grammatical mistakes or documentation errors found in your paper will make your grade drop below 75 automatically.
    1) Are there enough sources (minimum of six)?
    2) Are the internal citations done correctly?
    3) Is the "Works Cited" page done correctly?
    4) Is there some sort of an introduction to smooth me into the paper? Do I
    have a thesis statement?
    5) Is there some sort of a conclusion that gracefully eases me out of the paper?
    6) Are there transitions between the different points in the paper, or does
    it jump all over the place?
    7) Is the material presented in an orderly manner without undue repetition?
    8) Are the quotes truly quoted without any accidental plagiarism?
    9) Can the writing be followed, or is everything all over the place?
    10) Are the grammar, spelling, and punctuation all correct?
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