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單元內容 research_proposal
Junior Composition and Conversation
Research Paper PROPOSAL
1) Describe your research topic:
a. Introduce your topic and ask the leading research question that you
propose to pursue for your research project.

b. Propose an initial response to that leading question (your assumption
based on exploratory research and thinking) in the form of a working
hypothesis/thesis which you plan to investigate, open to question, and /or
test through your research.

2) Describe your research strategy:

a. What do you need to know?
Provide a list of important questions raised by your topic and suggested by
your research question and working thesis/hypothesis-the questions for which you will seek
answers and relevant evidence in your research paper. You may also which to describe
central assumptions you hold about your topic which you propose to investigate and
test. Your lists should reflect thorough and thoughtful preliminary exploration of your topic
and be organized to suggest major lines of inquiry or organizational categories
implied by your research question and working thesis.

b.  How and where will you look for answers?
(DON'T respond, "In the Library!")   In this section of your proposal, identify the terms-subject headings and
key words-which define your investigation and which you will use to find sources on
your topic.  Describe the plan you are formulating for finding necessary sources and
evidence for your research project, a clear sense of direction to launch yourself into your
research in earnest, supported by substantial, promising exploratory research and preliminary
  [Note:  Minimum of five sources-one/two from CD ROM, internet; four from
print sources (Chinese and/or English)-should be provided in your proposal, as well as the final draft of your paper.]

3) Describe the projected value of your research projects:

a. Explain why you have chosen this research topic-the source of its
interest or importance for you-and discuss why the choice is appropriate for
this class.
b. Explain what you anticipate to be the value of your research project, for
yourself as well as for others. Why, after all, is this project worth doing?
                                          (Thanks to Dr. Connor)
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