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Junior Composition and Conversation
Proposal Check Sheet
Cecilia H.C. Liu
1) Read section one of your partner's paper to yourself.
  1. What is the working thesis? Is it clear?  What do you honestly think?  Too broad? Too narrow? Too off the wall?  A possible paper thesis?
  2. How are the leading questions?  Do they make sense?  Are they logical?
  3. Now be honest: Is this a college-level topic?
  4. Does it have anything to do with life in Taiwan or does it have relevance to the lives of people living on this island? Or does it focus on America and America's problems?
  5. Can you think of any suggestions especially for this section of the paper?
2) Now read section two of your partner's paper.
  1. How is the list of resources? Do they look impressive or pretty pathetic?
  2. Is the research well done, or does it look like a shoddy job?
  3. Can you think of any other resources that you might suggest to your partner?
  4. Is there a minimum of five sources of varying mediums?
  5. Do you have any suggestions for your partner for this very important section?
3) Now read the final section of the paper.
  1. Does the justification make sense? Are you convinced that this is a valid research project?
  2. Does your partner clearly validate the reason for writing this paper?
4) Now read the entire paper again from top to bottom.
  1. As you read, circle any awkward or unclear sentences. Be brutally honest!  Circle any misspelt words as well.
  2. Do the essay parts of the proposal sound like a real essay or are they just a collection of choppy thoughts?

  3. Does the whole thing work together as a decent representation of college-level work? Be honest! Better you than me!
5) Now add any comments/suggestions you think appropriate right now.
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