教材名稱 / Composition
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"Using Imagination/Overcoming Excuses"
Dr. Marguerite Connor    
An exercise in creativity which has had okay results over here (it's better in the US).  This exercise works equally well in all level classes.  Give the students the first sheet and make them fill in all the blanks without repeating themselves before you give them the second sheet.  Tell them you won't be collecting the first sheet, so they don't have to censor themselves.  After everyone has completed the second sheet, start the discussion by asking people to share one of their reasons for not being able to write.  This is usually a fun sharing.  Then discuss the questions on the second sheet.  I usually have a fruitful class discussion.  Based on an exercise in Peter Miller's now out of print Becoming a Writer.  
I can't write today because ___________________________________ .
I can't write today because ___________________________________ .
I can't write today because ___________________________________ .
I can't write today because ___________________________________
________________________________________________________________ .
I can't write today because ___________________________________ .
I can't write today because ___________________________________ .
I can't write today because ___________________________________ .
I can't write today because ___________________________________ .
I can't write today because ___________________________________ .
_______________________________________________________________ .
I can't write today because ___________________________________ .
I can't write today because ___________________________________ .
I can't write today because ___________________________________ .
I can't write today because ___________________________________ .
1. What was happening as you completed this exercise?
2. What have you learned about your powers of invention from doing this exercise? Explain?
3. Look over what you just wrote on page one.  What kind of impression does it give you of the person who wrote those answers?  What are the implications?
4. What have you learned about writing in general from this exercise?  Explain.
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