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Presenting an Extended Quotation
Rarely, you may have reason to quote more than four typewritten lines of text.  To do this, set off the quoted passage by indenting the entire quotation on the left.
  •  Introduce an extended quotation with a colon.
  • Start each line of the quotation 10 spaces from the left hand margin; stop each line at your normal right hand margin.
  • The spacing of extended quotations is usually just like the spacing of the entire paper: double spaced (though some disciplines may require single-spaced so always ask your instructor).
  •  Omit quotation marks at the beginning, and end of the quoted passage; the indented margin ( and the introductory citation) will tell your readers that you are quoting.
  • Here is an example: Although he worked "hard as hell" all winter, Fitzgerald hald difficulty finishing The Great Gatsby.  On April 10, 1924, he wrote to Maxwell Perkins, his editor at Scribner's:
                       While I have every hope & Plan of finishing, my novel in June ... even [if] it takes me 10 times that long, I cannot let it go unless it has the very best I'm capable of in it or even as I feel sometimes better than I'm capable of.  It   is only in the last four months that I've realized how much I've-- well, almost deteriorated.. What I'm trying to
                        say is just that .... at last, or at least for the first time in years, I'm doing the best I can.
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