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Choosing your Introductory Verb
You can't keep repeating "Mill says" or "Mill feels" or "Mill thinks" or "Mill writes": it would get very boring.
Here are some introductory verbs:
 argues                                        explains                                    agrees
 establishes                                  believes                                   insists
 finds                                           continues                                  maintains
 points out                                   declares                                    disagrees
 notes                                          observes                                   states
 suggests                                      proposes                                  compares
 adds                                           concludes
  Notice that all the verbs are in the present tense: the conventional way of introducing most quotations.  Whichever verb you choose should best suit your purpose.  The citation should suggest the relationship between your own ideas (in the sentence previous to the citation) and the statement that vou are about to quote.  You should examine the quote before choosing the verb. For clarity, the introductory verb may be expanded: X is aware that...
X stresses the opposite view
X provides one answer to the question
X makes the same point as Y
X erroneously assumes...
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