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Thomas Nash
What are you going/ planning/hoping to do after you graduate?
What do you plan/intend/hope to do after you graduate?
What do you think you'll do/are you thinking of doing after you graduate?
What courses/subjects are you going to take next year/semester?
Stating definite plans
I'm going/planning to join the army.
I plan/intend to take linguistics, composition, conversation . . . .
Stating tentative plans
I'm hoping to get married.
I'm thinking of getting married.
I think I'll get married.
Stating possibilities
If I get a scholarship, I'll study oceanography.
If I don't get a scholarship, I guess I'll look for a job.
Stating changes in plans
I was going to/planning to/thinking of going  go to graduate school, but I've changed my mind.
I had planned to become an actress, but I've changed my mind.
Speculating on possibilities
Q: What will you do if you get the job?
A: I guess/think I'll go out and celebrate.
    I'll probably go out and celebrate.
Speculating on unlikely events
Q: What would you do/What do you think you'd do/How would you feel if you won a lot of money?
A: I think/guess/imagine I'd take a trip around the world.
    I'd probably be very happy.  
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