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單元內容 Telephone calls
Thomas Nash  
"My telephone keeps ringing; it sounds like a long distance call." Muddy Waters
Hello. Is that you, Amy ?
Hello. May I speak to Miss Cho, please?
Speaking. Who is it, please?
This is Harriet Chang.
Is that you, Rebecca?
Yes, who is it, please?
It's me. Christine. Christine Huang.
Oh-- hello, Christine.
Is that you, Kent?
No, this is Derrick.
Oh.. Is Kent there, please?
--Yes, just a minute, please. // Kent, it's for you.
--No, I'm afraid he's out.
Would you like to leave a message?
May I take a message?
Could I leave a message, please?
Hello, this is Joyce Chen. May I speak to Cecilia Yeung, please?
I'm afraid you have the wrong number.
That's all right.
Hello, may I speak to Ada Chen, please?
May I ask who's calling?
This is Sylvia Chen.
Would you like to leave a message, Clementine?
Oh, that's all right, Iris. I'll call back later.
This is Candy Yang. I'm calling to find out . . . .
I'd like to ask......
Could you tell me....
I'd like to speak to someone about......
Could I talk to someone about......
Well, I'd better let you go, Jane
Thanks for your time, Kiki
I know you're busy Miss Liang, so I'll let you go
It's been good talking to you, Dana
Well,, thanks for calling, Priscilla
Let me know if I can be of any further help, Tom
I appreciate your calling, Jessie
I'm afraid I don't have time to talk, Shirley.
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