教材名稱 / Conversation
授課教師 / All Teachers
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A. I think.......
    In my opinion.......
    I feel.......
    Personally, I think.......
    If you ask me .......
     e.g.  I think all young women should do military service.
            In my opinion everyone should go to high school.
            I feel children should have more time to play.
    I agree (with you).
    I think so, too.
    I think you're right. 
    I agree entirely.
    I don't agree.
    I disagree, I'm afraid.
    I'm not sure I agree with you. DISAGREEING
    I don't think that 's right
    I don't think so.
    PARTLY AGREEING (and partly disagreeing)
    I see your point, but . . . .
    I don't entirely agree.
    Yes, maybe (perhaps), but....... 
    Do you think so?
    You may be right. However, .....
C. Asking About Opinions
    What do you think of/about the Miss China pageant?
    How do you feel about the programs on TV?
    What's your opinion of/on Michael Jackson?
opinion of--used with existing things which are not "issues," such as the programs on TV, Michael Jackson, your teacher, a friend or classmate.
opinion on--used to ask about controversial issues, such as the Miss China pageant, nuclear power plants, compulsory military service for women, and unified high school entrance exams. The same distinction may apply to think of and think about, though think about may be used in both ways.
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