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單元內容 Thomas Nash ClASSROOM LANGUAGE Language to help you talk about language, get help, and interact in the classroom.
Sorry, I don't understand.
Sorry, I don't follow you.
I'm lost.
I didn't get that.
Could you repeat that?
Could you say that again?
Would you mind repeating that?
Could you speak more slowly?
Could you speak a little louder?
Could you explain that?
What do you mean?
What does mean?
How do you say in English? ( NOT " How to say ?" )
How do you pronounce this word?
How do you spell ? (NOT " How to spell?")
How do you spell it?
Excuse me.......
May I interrupt for a moment?
Sorry, but.....
Excuse me for interrupting, but . . . .
May I add something?
May I ask a question?
I have a question.
I'd like to say something here.
I'd like to comment on that.
Are you following me?  
Are you with me?
Is that clear?
Okay so far?
Do you understand?
Got it?
Any questions?
Do you know what means?
( NOT " Do you know______?")
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