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Informal Persuasion Topics

· Personal Views on Life:

  1. We should all grow fat and happy. It's silly to go on diet and be slim and unhealthy.
  2. Playing video games is a waste of time.
  3. Nursing home is a good place to stay when we are old.
  4. Every achievement involves a degree of stress.
  5. Technostress is inevitable. (See our Stress Management Page)

· Moral, Emotional and Family Issues

  1. It's ok to take materials from the web and put them in our papers.
  2. Don't ever tell your present lover about your past experience.
  3. Lies are not always harmful.
  4. In important decision-making (e.g. future direction, marriage), we should not listen to our parents.
  5. Parents always know better.
  6. We should keep whatever secrets our best friend ask us to keep.

· Controversial Issues

  1. --- will be a good mayor. --- (e.g. President Chen) should step down from his position (or be recalled).
  2. Cohabitation before marriage is practical.

· Hypothetical/Touchy Situation Persuasion

  1. Persuade your roommate (not) to give up a boyfriend who steals and takes drug,
  2. Persuade your teacher to let you pass so that you will not have F's (failure) from 1/2 of the courses and be kicked out of school.
  3. Persuade your roommate (not) to have an abortion.
  4. One month before the College Joint Entrance Exam, you find that the student you tutor will not have any chance of passing the exam. Persuade him/her to keep on working hard or consider other possibilities or both.

· Selling an idea or a commodity

1. Bring to class an idea or a thing to 'sell'/promote to your classmate. To 'buy' your idea/thing, your partner needs to pay money or spend a lot of time.

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