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The Dice Game ----- 10,000
from MOM
Thomas Nash
6 dice
5's count 50
1's count 100
3 of a kind (except 1's) count the number on the die times 100 ( 3-5's = 500, 3-4's = 400 etc)
4 of a kind count double the 3 of a kind count (4-5's = 1000, 4-4's = 800 etc),
5 of a kind count double the 4 of a kind count
6 of a kind count double the 5 of a kind
3-1's count 1000 ( 4-1's 2000 etc)
Straight ( all 6 dice ) = 1000
3 pair = 1000
All those combinations must be rolled in one roll of the dice; you can't roll 4-4's and then roll again to add a fifth
*You must roll 1000 points in one turn before you can begin to score.
To begin: roll all six dice. Remove at least one counter and roll dice that are left. Keep rolling on your first turn until you have 1000 or roll no counters. After you have begun scoring, you can stop anytime you want. Except --when all the dice are counters after 1 or more rolls, you must roll them all again. When you keep some counters and roll again, if there are on counters in the new roll you lose all the points you had on that turn.
Game is 10,000. After the first person makes 10,000, everyone else gets one more turn and the highest scorer wins.
Example: 1st roll--2-5's, 1-1, 1-4, 1-6, 1-2. You may keep the 5's and the 1 and roll the others, or you may keep only the 1 and roll the other five dice, or keep any two (of the 5's and the 1) and roll the others.
Next example: you roll 5, 5, 2, 2, 3, 3--3 pair--1000 points. You have used up all the dice so you must roll them all once more. There must be at least one counter in that roll or you lose your 1000 points and turn.
Final example: You roll 1, 1, 1, 2, 4, 6--3-1's --1000 pts. You didn't use all the dice, so you may stop and take the 1000, or keep rolling with the other 3 dice.
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