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  • Campus/Education

    1.       Flexible Tuition (Universities can raise tuition by themselves.) (ref. 1)

    2.       It is a good idea to get a college degree from mainland China. (ref. 1) The government should acknowledge the degree awarded by mainland Chinese universities.

    3.       Cohabitation for college students

    4.       Corporeal punishment in middle education.

    5.       Examination exerts pernicious influence on education.  (See details. )¡VJoint Entrance Exam should be abolished. Quizzes in class, and the finals should be reduced.

    6.       Can we improve our English when using chatroom?

    7.       We should introduce to elementary schools English native speakers as teachers.

    8.       English education in elementary school should be extended to grade 1.

    9.       (Dead Poet Society) Is it alright for Mr. Keating to encourage Neil to insist on his interest when it is strictly forbidden by his parents?

    (More specific: The English department's curriculum should be changed to include more pragmatic courses.

    Broader: The mail goals of college education: career preparation or holistic education)

    10.   Co-Ed or single-sex schools (schools for girls' and boys' separately ) for middle education. (See details. )

    11.   College students should do the cleaning works at school.

    12.   Hiring English native speakers from abroad as teachers in Taiwan's elementary schools is not the best way to provide an English learning environment.

    13.   The school authority should not use fine to punish students for their delays (e.g. in paying the credit fee or the Language Practical Training Fees).

    14.   Elementary schools ought to have daily PE class.

    15.   Pre-School English Education Should be de-emphasized.

    International/National Issues

    -- Free trade (e.g. WTO, or The Free Trade Area of the Asia Pacific, or FTAAP) vs. Protectionism as it is related to a local industry (e.g. film industry) (ref. 1)

    -- Compulsory Military Service Should be Abolished in Taiwan  (See details. )

    (too controversial but not impossible)


    Death Penalty, etc.

    legalization of Euthnasia

    Social issues

    1.  Cloning of animals; cloning of human beings; whether it should be regulated by government

    2.  Abortion: Three days' deliberation (ref. 1); parental consent

    3.  Neutering of the rapists.

    4.  Stray dogs should be killed.

    5.  Legalization of sex-related work; of prostitution; of video arcades.

    6.  Flaggelation should be instituted as a penalty for serious crimes in Taiwan.

    7.  Serial rapists or killers should have the right to enter college if they pass the entrance exams.

    Gender and Sexuality

    Maternity leave for employees of all industries? Big industries as well as small companies? (ref. 1, 2, 3)

    ·   Women should not be the only ones to be responsible for taking care of children.

    ·   Children should be stopped from seeing any pornographic sites or emails.

    ·   homosexuals should be allowed to marry and raise children.

    ·   Gays and Lesbians should come out and assert their rights.

    ·   Women are inevitably controlled by body/beauty myth in our society.

    ·   legal age limit for sexual activities?

    ·   Making a link to pornographic or "deviant" sexual sexual acts for research purposes (does not) deserve obscenity charnge. (For the issue of bestiality photos, see details here. )

    ·   Legalizing prostition can not only help release some men's sexual desires which cannot be satisfied elsewhere, but also help protect sex workers against possible crimes against them, exploitation of themsexually transmitable diseases.

    ·   Women should have the right to use their body in sex-related work to earn money (be specific: e.g. prostitution; nude photo collection).


    Supporters of technology say that it solves problems and makes life better.

    -- Opponents argue that technology creates new problems that may threaten or

    -- damage the quality of life. Using one or two examples, discuss these two

    -- positions. Which view of technology do you support? Why?

    o  Cloning of animals; cloning of human beings-- whether it should be regulated by government

    o  Children below the third grade (age 9) should not use computers in their formal education.

    o  Playing computer games can train more than our reflex response; it improves our organizational, reasoning and social skills

    o  Genuine friendship cannot be formed among people meeting only in chat rooms.


    o  Television is doing irreparable harm to children.

    o  Did the news media help or intervene in the arrest of the three kidnappers? (The role of news media in the Bai Hsiao-yen kidnapping case.)

    o  T.V. news should avoid showing blooding scenes such as that of the corpses.

    o  Advertisers performs a useful service (of offering new information) to the community.

    o  The ongoing Taiwan Pi-li fire phenomenon (ref. 1, 2) is a mere matter for fun for college students. The ongoing Taiwan Pi-li fire phenomenonshould be stopped by us individually. 

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