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Typhoon --Disasters Again!
Your Experience, our Roles and the Government's's

Within one month, Typhoon Zeb and Typhoon Babs hit Taiwan one after the other, bringing strong wind and heavy rainfall that resulted in floods and landslides in various areas in Taiwan, claiming several lives and causing billions of loss. Zeb claimed more than 25 victims, injured 12 others and caused agricultural losses estimated at more than NT $ 4.1 billion, according to the Oct. 26 China Post. Hsichih, along with other areas in Taiwan, suffered from floods and landslides.



People suffered from power failure, water shortage some of them even had to be evacuated in fear of possible landslides. Residents in flooded areas suffered from hunger, diseases and damage done to their homes. There were even victims buried alive in the landslides in areas such as Nei-hu, and Wu-ku. People blamed the government for not reinforcing the illegal logging and construction on the slopes of mountain areas. Some said that Taiwan's's environment has been damaged by unscrupulous speculators, worsened by irresponsible or bribed authorities.

1. Please share with us your experiences during any of the typhoon attacks.


What were you doing when the typhoons hit Taiwan? How was your life or your friends' life affected? Did you get caught in the traffic jam during the typhoon season? Did you suffer from power failure due to the typhoon? Or you simply enjoyed the day off from school during the typhoon?



2. How is our life affected by the environment we live in?


What kind of influence have you experienced (for example, sacrifice of life quality such as the lack of green areas for recreation, poor landscape, garbage piled up to be treated, noises, polluted drinking water, air pollution)?



3. What do you think you can do to contribute to better the environment here in Taiwan? What so you think would be the government's responsibility?

4. Are there any other topics that you would like to talk about?
Resources come from "China Post" 10.29' 98 Thur.
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