教材名稱 / Conversation
授課教師 / All Teachers
單元介紹 單元內容 延伸學習 相關網站 檔案下載

In 1997, the Executive Yuan established a task force to study the replacement of the
current identification card with a national integrated card ("IC Card") System.
Unlike the current card, which is used for identification purposes only, the IC card consolidates a broad range of personal information into one card. The Executive Yuan predicts that the first IC card will be issued in 1999 and that each citizen will have the new card by the year 2001.
What do you think about the replacement of the current ID card with the new IC Card?
Do you think the proposed IC Card system violates human rights?
(According to the government's initial plans, the card would consolidate each person's
fingerprints, identification data, medical history, financial records, driving record
and a host of other information into one card.)
Do you think the Executive Yuan has the legal power to make decisions regarding
IDcard issues?
The Executive Yuan claims that it is legally empowered to make decisions regarding
identification card issues. However, as constitutional law professors have pointed out,
the Executive Yuan's powers to regulate identification cards cannot be extended to create
an information database on every citizen to be used for purposes beyond identification.
Do you have a pager (so called BB call) or a cell phone (or cellular phone, mobile phone)? What are the advantages and disadvantages in the use of each?
Do you have a pager (so called BB call) or a cell phone (or cellular phone, mobile phone)? What are the advantages and disadvantages in the use of each?
Why do you think cell phone is so polular on campus? Do students really need it?
Is it a matter of convenience or something to show off?
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