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Memory and Disaster

Vocabulary on Disasters:


1. mansion's construction firm: the building company

He promised the mansion's construction firm would take responsibility for the landslide. 

2. haphazardly: casually

The foundations were haphazardly built might lead to the collapse of the buildings.

3. excavate: dig

Rescuers continued excavating the side of the storm's worst disaster.

4. excavation: noun for the excavate


Excavation work continued at a vast hillside apartment.

5. hurl through: hit

Typhoon hurled through northern Taiwan on Monday.

6. topple: collapse, crash, and fall over


A landslide toppled the security wall.

7. trigger: lead to


The heavy rain triggered a landslide.

8. debris: rubble

Squads of soldiers took turns drilling and removing debris to search for the victims.

1. How could we choose a safer building?

2. Who should be responsible for the disaster of the Lincoln Big County Community?

3. What else can we do before the typhoon hits?
(1)We should prepare food, flashlight and close the windows and doors tightly.
(2)We should prevent from going to the mountain and the coast.
(3)We should prevent from using the candle or fire.

4. What would you do in different situations of a fire?

Brief Summary:

I. The Summary of Lincoln Big County Community Issue


A. When ~ August 18th,1997

B. Where ~ in Hsichih, Taipei County
C. Who ~ residents of the Lincoln Big County Community
D. Why ~ Typhoon Winnie
E. How ~ Typhoon Winnie's heavy rain/landslide/the collapse of the security wall/the fall of the buildings 


Typhoon Winnie struck Taiwan on August 18th,1997. It brought a lot of rain. The heavy rain led to a landslide, which toppled the security wall that was built between the mansions and the hill and caused four buildings in Hsichih, Taipei County to collapse. The first and second floors of the buildings were buried in the debris. Some perished in toppling structures while others were buried in mud and drowned in the basements of flooded buildings. Many people attribute the disaster to the mansion's construction firm. Also, the cause of the disaster centered on whether or not the builder had improperly obtained a permit to develop the land in a valley between two hills.


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