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Mayoral Election

Who is your choice? And why?

With the forthcoming election at hand (Dec. 5), the competition among the three candidates for Taipei mayoral election has become fiercer than ever. The incumbent Chen Shui-bian of DPP (the Democratic Progressive Party, Ma Ying-jeou of KMT (the Kuomintang), and Wang Chien-shien of the New Party had their first televised debate in public on Oct. 24. In this two-and-half-hour debate, these three candidates made statements on their policy platform, centered their arguments on issues regarding to administration of municipal affairs such as transportation, social order, urban planning in Taipei, the capital city in Taiwan, and responded to reunification-independence, ethnic conflict issues. They were also asked to comment on the significance of President Lee Teng-hui's support in this election and the impact of their "character" on their mayoral administration.


Whether you are eligible to vote for the forthcoming Taipei mayoral election or not, please feel free to express your opinions on the election:


1. What do you think makes a qualified Taipei mayor? What qualities does he have to possess to administer the capital city in Taiwan in the coming century?

2. What do you think of the statements of policy platform of the three candidates? Do you think they are practicable, sufficient? How successful do you think the respective candidate can be able to implement their policy, or to "cash the checks" they signed during the election campaign?
3. Who do you think did the best in the first TV debate, and then the following ones? And why?

4. If you were to vote for one of the three candidates, whom would you vote for and why? Please base your argument on more solid grounds such as their policies or administrative ability than just whimsical impressions such I like the person or I don't like the person.

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