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Topic 1

While we concentrate on how to pursue higher living standard and a more convenient life style, we ignore that our natural environment has been changed. The world's ecological balance has been being destroyed. Industrial and human waste causes acid rain pollution and the water contamination. The burning of fossil fuels may cause the greenhouse effect. The temperature of the earth is getting higher and higher every year. All these changes in ecology warn us it is time to take steps to protect our environment.


Topic 2~Think Recycle not Disposal to Save Environment

Years ago, there have been an increasing number of reports saying that the world's climate are experiencing a considerable change. Organizations like the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is alert to this situation thus set up issues or looking into ways of making production less harmful.

There is nothing we do onto our planet that does not return to us. Everything we put into the Earth, no matter where, emerges in our water and vegetation, either through in fish or fowl and consequently through these in us. The Earth accepted in everything but decomposition and regeneration take time. In the following, let us explore what we should do to save our environment.

Citizens should demand products that don't need replacing or are made of materials reducible for recycling. Produce biodegradable plastics and develop ecological products. Actually, in our daily life, there are a lot more to deal with only we might not be sensitive enough to notice them. The most common one is the disposable diaper that we put on the babies. In fact, we can substitute the disposable diaper with cotton ones because the former contains toxic substances. Free-lead gasoline can reduce the danger of brain damage in children. Solar panels give us cheaper fuel bills with clean energy. Recycled paper diminish the destruction of forest thus the trees take our carbon dioxide and release oxygen as return. In this way, the atmosphere can become steadier.

Generally speaking, it is likely that people pay their attention to their environment as we can often see the commercials on TV yet it seems that not many of us are enthusiastic enough. By knowing what it is, it does not mean you know how to do it. We simply cannot just sit there doing nothing. What if you were “the Earth “ and how will you feel about it? I am ere with the hope that people should take actions and participate into it because only creative, constructive re-use will get us back in harmony with our planet. For the rest of time, it might be a good idea to share your opinions so don't hesitate and just come in. It's easy and all you need is drop down a line or anything you want to say. I will be looking forward to your suggestions.

Topic 3~Mercury Waste:

Have you every notice that there is a lot of mercury waste in Taiwan? An environmental activist said that there is still nearly 100.000 tons of mercury waste in Taiwan and 1.100 tons of the waste has been used as the foundation material for several buildings in northern Taiwan. Recent days, the Formosa Plastics Corp.'s (FPC) have dump 2,700 tons of mercury-laced waste to Cambodia which drew the international attention. With this much of toxic waste, can you guess where did they dump it? If I told you the truth I think you won't believed it. According to the secretary general of the Environmental Quality Educational Foundation--Liu Ming-lung, mentions that 1.100 tons of mercury laced waste produced by a now- defunct plant in Hsinchuang, Taipei County had been used as foundation material for residential buildings since 1986. According to a reliable source, some mercury-laced waste produced by the plant was buried under a new building in Taipei County's Shulin township. And those building are not sure whether they meet safety standards or not.

I don't know how would you feel after you heard the news. Can you give any suggestion to the Government? Do you know further information?


Work Cited

Sofia Wu. “ Mercury waste here: activist” The China Post. Jan



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