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Vocabulary on Tourism


1. Youth hostel
2. B&B (bed and breakfast)
3. Motel
4. Hotel
5. Resort

1. Airport: (a) Customs (b) Stewardess (flight attendant) (c) aircraft commander (d) Passport (e) visa (entry visa, transit visa) (f) Transit passenger (g) Ground crew (h) Check in (i) Duty free shop (j) Luggage trolley (k) On-board computer (l) Runway
2. Departure lounge
3. Railroad Station: (a) Ticket collector (b) Platform (c) Ticket/booking office (d) Ticket barrier (e) Turnstile
5. Express (train)
6. Jumbo jet
7. Others on sea: (a) Canoe Schooner (b) yacht (c) supertanker (d) ferry
8. Camel
9. Helicopter
10. Charter
11. Dugout
12. Turbo jet
Alternative Types of Vacation
1. Package vacation
2. Backpack travel
3. Intercontinental destination/long-haul destination
4. Adventure vacation: (a). Trek (b). Safari (c). Track gorillas (d). Expedition (e) Sail or Schooner.
5. Study tour
6. Exploratory vacation: (a). Cultural tour (b). Wildlife tour (c). Adventure tour (d). Discover offbeat archaeological sites.
7. Traditional vacations
8. Others: (a) Whale-Watching tours (b) Bird Watching tours (c) Hitch-Hiking
Travel Industry
1. The tourist association
2. Tourist boom
3. The tourist industry
4. Tourism project


1. The tourist association

1. Trip: A journey that you make to a place and bacl again.

2. Travel: Going from one place to another often to a place far away.

3. Journey: Travel from one place to another(formal use)

4. Tour: (a) Organized trip (e.g. The study tour./ A band is on a tour./ The musician is on a tour.); (b) A journey during during which you visit many places that interests you.; (c) A short trip that make around a place.

5. Cruise: a holiday during which you travel on a ship or boat and visit a number of places.

6. Voyage: A long journey on a ship or in a spacecraft.



Vocabulary Exercise


Many people in Taiwan now have more and more leisure time to enjoy their lives. Young people may choose to become backpackers or take semi self-assistant trips. They will go white water rafting in a dugout or a canoe, for instance, or they will try to complete a journey by hitch-hiking. However, some people prefer safe journeys. They may often pick package vacations and before their journey, they will consult with the travel agent. And most of them tend to visit the same famous resorts.


A Cruise on River Thames

We have planned to go on a river cruise on the River Thames when we go to London next summer. We went to consult a travel agent and chose a seven-day package vacation in London for our trip. The travel agent gave us the itinerary, and offered us cheap cut-price tickets for flights to London. Besides, in order to save money, instead of staying at the hotel, we would like to stay at the youth hostels. We are looking froward to the cruise to avoid the congestion on the land in London.


Four Questions for further discussion:


1. What can we do if we have accidence when being abroad? (e.g. have a car crash or lose your passport) ?

2. What should we notice about the insurance before setting off?

3. Is there any business or industry related to tourism? Give examples.

4. In your opinion, what's the most important thing you should prepare and know before you begin your journey? (e.g. the custom and religion)




Sites Related to Tourism:

1) British Tourist Authority A rich site contains maps and connections to things British, especially the tourist's concerns.


2) National Parks Park service information in America


3) New Zealand Information Services New Zealand tourism database


4) Tourism a site for tourists using different languages


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