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Election, Strikes and Financial Crises

(The following news are taken from China News, Nov. 26, Nov. 27, 1998)


Issues and Vocabulary --

Election: publicity stunts, vote-buying, saliva war,

e.g. a candidate (Caho Hsin-nang) for Kaohsiung City Council slit his wrist with a razor blade and used his own blood to write his campaign slogan on a piece of white cloth during a live television broadcast.

e.g. Mayor Chen was accused of going the red-light district in Macao. Mayor Wu's sex tape and the tape he produced of mayor candidate Hsieh and Sung Chi-li (§º¤C¤O) .


Strikes and demonstration -- dispatch center, those striking drivers who go back to work will not suffer from any repercussions

e.g. Tung Lien Bus Strikes--

--Altogether, over 800 drivers have reportedly stopped working in the largest strike of its kind in the island's history.

--"The company treats us like dogs. Sometimes we are forced to work 24 hours straight," said spokesperson Seng Ding-feng.

--Tung Lien president Pai

teh-tsun said many drivers watnted to get back to work, but fear passing through areas --particularly in Taichung and Yuanlin -- where the threat of violence was greatest.

--Their [The strikers'] biggest stumbling block is poor communication.

e.g. Former MRT workers rally for health.

--About two dozen former MRT workers, suffering from decompression sickness, and labor-right activists protest outside the Taipei City Goverment yesterday, calling for the city government's approval of a proposal to grant sick workers national health care compensation and carry out a more comprehensive policy to protect workers' safety.

--About 44 former MRT workers from Panchiao and Hsintien lines claim to suffer from the sickness. Victims in Hsintien lines have recieved nearly NT $700,000 in compensation from their contractor.

However, 7 workers in Panchioa lines have not yet received anything from their Japanese contractors, . . .

e.g. Yulon labor dispute--Fired union representatives seeking government intervention, protection of rights

--Two former senior Yulon Motor Company union representatives, fired from their jobs during tense labor negotiations betwen the company and its employees, protested outside the Council of Labor Affairs (CLA) yesterday calling for better labor rights protection.

--The company decided to slash employee's year-end bonus by nearly 42 percent.

--".. . there is not a signle regulation to protect us in our fight for our rights," Peng said. "We have to suffer (Yulon) management's wrongdoing. This could only happen in Taiwan."

Stock default troubles and the banks

--On Tues., bank depositors mobbed Kuang San subsidiary Taichung Small and Medium Business Bank branches and withdrew NT$8 billion in savings.


--At the same time, officials of the well-known conglomerate worked to control the damage caused by news that Kuang San subsidiaries Taichung Small and Medium Business Bank and the Tai Yu Products Corporation defaulted on at least NT$4 billion in parent company stock purchases.

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