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Campus Issues--

Tuition, 1/2, and Suicide 

What do you think about the tuition raise?
Is it to ensure the good teaching quality or to deprive students of theire qual right to education?
See, for instance, an artical in Chinese says the following 高等教育的目的已漸從為國家儲才擴至滿足個人需求,在受益者付費及高水準高付出的原則下,私立學校學費應准予自定,公立學校之學費及系所名額應由政府訂立標準,但擴大其彈性幅度為30%至50%,由各校自定,並事先對外公佈。在學費自由化的過程中,政府及學校本身應提供各種就學貸款及獎學金,以符教育機會平等之原則。時機成熟時,再考慮教育券之實施。
What do you think about the Ministry of Education's abolishment of the 1/2 regulation (students who fail half of the courses they take in one year are dismissed from school)?
What do you think about the recent suicide case of the high school girl who fellin love with a married man? Why do teenagers commit suicide? Did you ever think about suicide as a teenager?
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