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My Sweet Old Etcetera
作者Author  /  Edward Estlin  Cummings  艾德華.艾斯特林.康明斯

My Sweet Old Etcetera


Reading by Dr. Edward Vargo

my sweet old etcetera  
aunt lucy during the recent  

war could and what
is more did tell you just  
what everybody was fighting 5  

my sister  

isabel created hundreds
hundreds) of socks not to 10 
mention shirts fleaproof earwarmers  

etcetera wristers etcetera, my
mother hoped that  

i would die etcetera

bravely of course mg father used 15 
to become hoarse talking about how it  
a privilege and if only he (15-17)
could meanwhile my  

self etcetera lay quietly
in the deep mud et 20
cetera (18-21)
cetera of (22-24)
Your smile 25
eyes knees and of your Etcetera) (24-26)
Word & Phrase
1. etcetera: 此 字為拉丁文,可分開寫成 etcetera,通常縮寫成etc.,即英文的and others, especially of the kind; and so forth,為「等等」之意。在本詩中,此字有很多的含意。本行的 etcetera 表示除了sweet, old之外,還有諸如 lovable (可愛的), adorabre (可敬的)等等,這些都是陳腔濫調,寫出來並沒有甚麼意義,所以只用etcetera表示。[back]
8. created: =made. [back]
10-11. not to mention: =without mentioning,不算 . . . . . . 在內; 不用說; 不必提。[back]
11-12. fleaproof earwarmer / etcetera: fleaproof, 防蚤的; earwarmer 禦寒用的耳罩; etcetera 表示如防蚤,禦寒用的耳罩以及圍巾、手套等。[back]
12. wristers etcetera: 指 (禦寒用的)腕套等等。本行兩個 etcetera,其用法與意義皆同。[back]
14. iwould die etcetera: 我 會死等等。etcetera指其他各種表示「死」的說法 (由本詩上下文知道,此處的「死」指為國而死)。英文中這類的字眼很多,像die fighting, die valiantly, make the supreme sacrifice, lay down one's life for one's country, die with one's boots on等等,不勝枚舉。中文也有類似的說法,像「為國犧牲」、「戰死沙場」、「壯烈成仁」、「馬革裹屍」等是。[back]
15 -17.  used to become . . . it was a privilege: 常 因談論死亡這件事乃是一種特權,而聲音變得嘶啞。it=to die,死亡。[back]
17 -18.  if only he could: =he wishes he could (die if he [his father] were not so old, etc.)但願他能死去(如果他父親不是年紀太大的話)。此處的he指my father。[back]
18 -21.  meanwhile . . .



meanwhile 有「而」、「反而」等意,是對比的用法。et / cetera (20-21)指我這個人所有的感情、夢想、思想等等。我父親雖說但願能死去,但他並沒有這麼做,倒是我雖不想為國犧牲,卻實際上靜靜地躺在深泥中,瀕臨 死亡。[back]
22-24. (dreaming, / et / cetera 夢 想等等。et / cetera指一廂情願的想法 (wishful thinking),渴望 (desiring)等。[back]
24 -26.  of. . . etcetera of 承第22行的 dreaming而來。夢想的對象是妳的笑靨、眼睛、膝蓋以及妳的等等。your應係指評述者的女友或情人。大寫的 Etcetera 指女友或情人身上能給人無限遐想與快感的部位。評述者的夢想適與他躺在深泥中的景況 (19-20) 成一強烈的對比。躺在深泥中有被棄、孤零零、不舒服的感覺,而夢想到女友卻能給于安慰舒服的感覺。[back]
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